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juin 22, 2004

This can't wait. The nation needs Wonder Woman.

On Wonkette, I read a letter from a former editor/reporter of the Washington Post, expressing his sympathy to the paper, on their loss of the suddenly beloved Ronald Regan. I like it, because it expressed the surprise I feel over the current exaltation he's enjoyed, since he died. I mean... putting him on money? That's kinda fitting, I suppose, since it was the focus for his presidency. As opposed to ... ummm... people. Like.. citizens of the country he was leading. Remember them? Anyway, read the letter. It's witty, in a dry way.

The other day, one of the super rad admins in my department rode up the elevator with me. She said, "This is going to sound weird, I know we don't know each other that well.... but I have a present for you." Presents are always acceptable, to me. She had not brought the present with her, however, so I had to wait a couple of days. Mary is one of the knitters at my company. They gather in the sunny corner of the second floor around lunchtime, and knit all sorts of things. She also likes to incorporate beads in her stuff. She makes these beautiful wrist cuffs she wears in the winter. She made me a pair of wonder woman wrist cuffs with beaded stars!!! We'd talked about the idea a long time ago, when I was hanging out in the corner reading. And she figured I should have a pair. She's made some for her friends. They are sooooo awesome!! Now I can deflect bullets! When people shoot at me! Which they often do, you know. I absolutely LOVE these wrist cuffs.

Posted by jodi at juin 22, 2004 01:24 PM

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wow! i want some too.

Posted by: river selkie at juin 22, 2004 11:47 PM

I wanna see - post a picture of them, Jodi!

Posted by: Romy at juin 22, 2004 11:53 PM

I second the picture request.

Posted by: Lisa at juin 24, 2004 01:03 PM