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juillet 19, 2004

Happy Birthday, Blog!

Now that you are two years old, there is so much more you can do... you're not a baby anymore.

Technically, last Wednesday was the 2nd anniversary of my blog, I just failed to notice. Until I started talking about it Friday night. I guess I was more caught up in the fact that I am soon to reach my 500th post. Wow! Anyway, it's been two years. I rarely stick with anything for two years. So yay me!

Friday night Evildeb and I met up with the Moons at Gameworks. Turns out, they have a mechanical bull now. Turns out, Mrs. Moon has always wanted to ride a mechanical bull. She just needed to get a little drunk first. Evildeb decided to be her drinking buddy, and, eventually, rode the bull herself. It was pretty funny. I'd have a better, more interesting, description of it, had I written this entry Saturday, instead of today. But, alas, no. Mr. Moon also rode the bull. TOTALLY SOBER. That's a real cowboy. They all said it was more difficult than it looked. And hurt more than you'd think it would. So guess who did not ride the bull. Me! Huts more than you thought? More work than you thought? No thanks!

When I was driving Evildeb home on Friday, she was already bruising on her inner thighs. Now she's in Vegas, and I can't help but wonder if she's walking the strip bowlegged.

Do you ever stop to listen to your office building? If you work in an office building, that is. The sound of all the computers, fans, a/c units, and buzzing florescent lights is pretty extreme. It's almost like being on a plane. You are just so used to it, you don't even hear it anymore. Ok, maybe not as bad a commercial plane, more like a really fancy quiet plane. But still a jet plane.

Posted by jodi at juillet 19, 2004 03:26 PM

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happy birthday, blog!!!

Posted by: tufkid at juillet 20, 2004 12:34 PM

happy birthday, blog!

Posted by: river selkie at juillet 20, 2004 08:33 PM