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août 02, 2004

I've set my laser from stun to kill.

My stepmother is going to start selling stun-guns. She asked me if I wanted one. What do you think I said? "Hell YEAH I want a stun gun! that would rule! i could go out and fight crime with it!" I then demonstrated to all my coworkers what would happen to them if they annoyed me, once I got my stun-gun. Bzzzzaaapppt!

I've been browsing through this book, Darkside Zodiac. Obviously, it's about the darkside of your astrological sign. It's very tongue in cheek. I am a Libra, and on the darkside this makes me "a vain, shallow, petulant spendthrift with an unerring eye for style over substance, and a lifelong dedication to the quest for an easy meal ticket." Duh. My favorite deadly sin, If I am forced to chose, would be actually be three, Greed, Vanity, and Sloth. With sloth being my main motivator. YEAH!! And, if asked the question whether, as a Libra, I squeeze the toothpaste tube from the bottom, or middle, if i replace the cap, the answer is "you don't have toothpaste in the tubes, since squeezing involves effort." Brilliant!

Posted by jodi at août 2, 2004 03:01 PM

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tell me about me! I'm an aries!!!!!!!

Posted by: becky at août 2, 2004 07:03 PM

Do me! I'm a Gemini.

Posted by: Lisa at août 3, 2004 12:05 PM