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août 03, 2004

For Romy, who is a Virgo

Well, Romy, you are a Virgo, and this means "you are a peevish, hypercritical anal-retentive, with an obsession for sterile perfectionism and a pedantic fetish for detail." You don't have tubes of toothpaste, you have "3 x 365 individual pre-wrapped disposable toothbrushes, each loaded with the precise amount of toothpaste needed for one cleaning." Your favorite sin is "Vanity, the lighter side of Pride. And you do something clever with Gluttony, reversing it to make a homely little nameless sin of sucking all the joy, taste, and mouth feel out of food."


Of course there is a ton more in the book. Each sign is a chapter.

Posted by jodi at août 3, 2004 11:46 AM

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Ha! If only the author knew how totally un-true the vast majority of that is! It's more like, "Toothpaste? Uh, I know I have some toothpaste around here, somewhere.....". =)

Posted by: Romy at août 4, 2004 12:18 PM

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