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août 09, 2004

Yeah and I get my ya-ya's from Ikea. You have to put them together yourself, but they cost a little less.

I was phenomenally stupid, on Saturday afternoon, and went to IKEA a mere five days after the new 2005 catalog arrived. Originally, I was thinking of buying a bookcase, and asked Evildeb if she would take me in her Subaru. Then I changed my mind, but she was already geared up to visit, so I decided to go along. Big mistake. Huge. The place was swamped. We had to park, I figure, about five football fields away from the store itself. I had half a mind to inform the fire dept. that they were violating codes that afternoon. Nonetheless, I took pictures of Sweet Pea, while we shopped. Click for larger images.

Looking angelic, probably at the beginning of the adventure.

She asked me to "take a picture of me doing this." So I did.

Sweet Pea doing her impersonation of Auntie Jodi, towards the end of the torturous trip to IKEA.

EDIT: FYI, I spent nothing. Evildeb spent around a $150.

Posted by jodi at août 9, 2004 12:41 PM

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