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août 18, 2004

The only gadgets I've ever needed are a sharp eye, sensitive hearing and a whole bunch of bigger brains.

I'm working on this Big Report at work right now. I've never had to do this Big Report. But the woman who does it is on maternity leave for the next seven years. Give or take. So Dr. Stevil, EvilDeb and I are filling them out. And to think that all three Big Reports are normally done by one person... because, frankly, they are driving the three of us insane. This is our first time, with the Big Reports. Steve's not here today, I think his brain imploded yesterday. EvilDeb just ran out of here, scratching her own eyes out. She was mumbling something about not being able to do that anymore and needing food. So running to the store for nosh, because she just cannot take it anymore.

Where as I... I just simply changed the colors on my blog again. I was sick of purple and green, but not ready for a fall color scheme. I feel better now.

Posted by jodi at août 18, 2004 04:35 PM

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blue is GOOOOOD.

Posted by: river selkie at août 18, 2004 09:42 PM

Very subtle colors. Nice.

Posted by: Thomas at août 19, 2004 06:27 AM

oh thank you both... i hadn't had any blue in here in a while. and i'm always happy to bring back the red headed bikini girl. anyway, it will do until fall.

Posted by: jodi at août 19, 2004 01:17 PM

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