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août 24, 2004

He blew a BUBBLE with his GUM while I was singing. He can't do that while I'm SINGING!

I'm covering so many meetings, I had to cut my nails short. It makes sense, if you think of it. With my brain. When I go to meetings, I unhook Squishy, the 12" TiBook, from her auxiliary ergonomic keyboard and monitor, and take her with me. Squishy's keys are so carefully arranged to fit in her 12 inches, that if I have long nails, they often hit the keys next to the one I am typing. Since I am doing a lot of typing on Squsihy directly, due to all these meetings, I had to cut my nails. Get it?

I woke up at 3:30 this morning, decided it was a fine time to take a bubble bath, which I did, and then went back to sleep. It seems almost a dream.

Posted by jodi at août 24, 2004 01:54 PM

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I would have thought on a keyboard that smal, you would have attached little rubber feet to the end of your nails to help with precision typing. You would have had the added bonus of being able to hold them up in front of other people and say, "Look at me! I have rubber feet on my nails!"

Posted by: Thomas at août 25, 2004 05:47 AM

only if my little feet get to wear little shoes.

Posted by: jodi at août 25, 2004 03:01 PM

Yes. Tiny little strapless pumps. Only a 1/16 inch heel, though. You don't want your hands to look like little freak prostitutes.

Posted by: Thomas at août 26, 2004 05:37 AM

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