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octobre 06, 2004

old pictures and new babies

My cousin Brian, and his wife Melissa, just had their second baby boy two days ago. I was searching some of the scans I've made, for fun pictures to send in my congratulations email, and of course had more fun with pictures of ME than anyone else in the family.

Exhibit A of the Cuteness I Used to Posess:
Check out those flowered pants. Even pouting I was cute. My brother had to wear a shirt with his name printed in on it, in case he forgot it. True story.

Ok, I'm lying about Brad forgetting his own name. I actually think my mom was the one who had trouble with our names.

One final picture, my first, and only, ballet recital. I was enrolled in ballet at the suggestion of our family doctor. Who thought that maybe, with some work, I might be able to learn to walk through a doorway without smacking into the frame. Sadly, no amount of ballet, or tumbling, helped.

Posted by jodi at octobre 6, 2004 10:06 PM

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Oh my god, I LOVE Ballerina Jodi! You were a cute kid!!! Makes me look at my dance recital pictures in a new light........nah. Not really. You were, and still are, a cutie, though!

Posted by: Romy at octobre 7, 2004 08:49 AM

What do you mean cuteness you used to possess? You're still too darn adorable for words, miss jodi. I have pictures to prove it from Vegas!

Posted by: Sarah at octobre 7, 2004 10:39 AM

Cuteness of that calibur doesn't simply evaporate. I'm sure you are still saturated with that remarkable trait.

Posted by: Thomas at octobre 8, 2004 05:27 AM

what is that animal in the high chair in the "jodi" sweatshirt picture ? it looks like a guinea pig.

Posted by: arifa at octobre 19, 2004 07:45 PM

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