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octobre 12, 2004

my coworkers are cooler than your coworkers

Hey potirons d'Internet, do you remember that one time, I told you about my rad wonder woman wrist bands? Well, finally I have a picture to show you.


So go ahead and admire their awesomeness and wish that you worked at the same place I do. So people would suddenly knit presents for you. I'll take a picture of me wearing them soon.

Posted by jodi at octobre 12, 2004 04:46 PM

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We're in the same co-worker boat. We must consider ourselves very lucky, not everyone has kick ass co-workers.

Posted by: Sarah at octobre 13, 2004 11:54 AM

Will there be any other attire,or just the wrist bands...

I'm fully prepared to cough up a $19.95 pay-per-spew... er... view cost...

Posted by: Thomas at octobre 13, 2004 12:44 PM

now those are indeed awesome. but i feel that i must report that wonder woman did NOT wear purple. are those really blue but look purple on my screen? and do they deflect bullets?

Posted by: river selkie at octobre 16, 2004 03:49 PM

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