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octobre 13, 2004

I want this so bad it hurts my head to think I can't have it...

Hello Kitty Airstream Trailer.

I want to make it my home!!!

PS. this is post 493, so we are getting dangerously close to the fabulous 500th Blog Post. Whoooo.

Posted by jodi at octobre 13, 2004 10:57 PM

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I'm scared... mostly because of the scary Target commercials; Did you see them?

(insert spooky high pitched voice)
Hello Lunchbox...
Hello locker...
Hello PRETTY!!!
Hello lawn chair...
Hello lunchmeat...
Hello KITTY!!!

OK, so maybe they weren't crap your pants scary, but there were creepy.

Posted by: Thomas at octobre 14, 2004 01:19 PM

Oh, they're only asking $150,000 I thought you made that in 1 hour. Bid, Jody, bid! You know you must.

Posted by: Sarah at octobre 19, 2004 04:05 PM

Wow. It's a damn good thing that neither one of us is rich, or else we'd probably be in the middle of a bitter bidding war, with each other.

When I'm filthy rich I'll have one made for you, Jodi, I promise! =)

Posted by: Romy at octobre 20, 2004 07:53 AM

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