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octobre 20, 2004

yes, fee, that is a guinea pig

it was the kindergarten guinea pig, and we each got a turn in taking it home for the weekend. And making it our baby doll.

More later.

not about the guinea pig... but other stuff.

PS: Romy, let's you and me travel the country in our hello kitty trailer! we are going to need a big old fuck off pick truck to haul it with.

Posted by jodi at octobre 20, 2004 08:10 AM


Ok, Jodi, I've been waiting for "more" for a couple of days now, where is it? Huh? Huh? Huh? Heh.

I still love ya, and we most definitely can tour around the country in our kick ass Hello Kitty airstream - that would be on par with tooling around in the Oscar Meyer Weiner Mobile, methinks. =)

Posted by: Romy at octobre 22, 2004 02:32 PM

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