« I got to get into this dude's pelt and crawl around for a few days. Who's the gopher's ally. His friends. The harmless squirrel and the friendly rabbit. | Main | books in boxes »

octobre 25, 2004

Oh, and if you are worried about satan's bookclub...

Don't be. Louise and I are working on it. We have a rough idea of a design. It's just that I will not be able to work on that until after the move, and I'll probably be off-line for more than a few days. It's going to be great, you'll see. I'm sure designing the site will be a great way to procrastinate on my nanowrimo novel... the plot of which I have not even discovered yet.


Posted by jodi at octobre 25, 2004 12:48 AM

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waiting patiently for details.


Posted by: river selkie at octobre 25, 2004 09:42 PM

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