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octobre 25, 2004

Yeah, she was in great pain! Then we cut off her head, and drove a stake through her heart, and burned it, and then she found peace.

Right now, I am listening to Bram Stoker's Dracula, in the car. I think that is why I keep finding errands to run. Since I am not working, I am not commuting.. not as much story time. The male narrator sounds just like Wesley from Buffy/Angel, and I like him very much. In my mind it's Wesley telling me the story of Dracula. Scruffy tough Wesley with the shivs hidden up his sleeves, not awkward, geeky Wesley. Oh either one, it doesn't matter. The female narrator is ok, when she's reading women, but when she had to do the voice of the old man, sitting with Lucy and Mina in the graveyard, over looking the harbor and complaining about the lies people put on gravestones... it was PAINFUL. Reminiscent of Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins. It doesn't help that this is a particularly slow part of the book, in my opinion. I was thrilled when we moved back to the Doctor and Renfileld. When I last left them in the car, Renfield had just eaten up all of his pet swallows and was barfing up feathers. Now that's a story!!

Posted by jodi at octobre 25, 2004 08:31 PM

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they have two different narrators telling the story? that's weird.

and don't mess with my man dick van dyke. even though he did suck in mary poppins, i loved the dick van dyke show!

Posted by: arifa at octobre 25, 2004 08:40 PM

well, a man is reading all of Jonathan Harker and Dr. Seward's journals, and a woman is reading Lucy and Mina's letters and Mina's journal.

Posted by: jodi at octobre 25, 2004 08:48 PM

i love and miss tough scruffy wes. ::sigh::

Posted by: river selkie at octobre 25, 2004 09:41 PM

Awww...you don't like Burt? Awwwwwww.

Posted by: Sarah at octobre 26, 2004 08:57 AM

it's not a matter of liking him... i like him fine. but dick van dyke's accent in that movie was horrible.

Posted by: jodi at octobre 26, 2004 10:28 AM

exactly... that accent was not good at all. dick van dyke was hot! i just realized what a funny name he has. the word dick AND the word dyke. wow - i really do have the mind of a fifth grader.

Posted by: arifa at octobre 26, 2004 02:32 PM

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