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octobre 27, 2004

panic mode

right now i've entered panic mode. no way everything will be packed up by friday at 8 am. must not lose focus. must stay up all night. wait, this is wednesday. ok, i can sleep tonight, but not thursday night.

out of trash bags. must go get more. at this point, i am throwing away more stuff than i am packing, it seems.

Posted by jodi at octobre 27, 2004 07:21 PM

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Get the new stretchy garbage bags; You can just cram everything in them and sort it all out when you get to your new place...

Posted by: Thomas at octobre 28, 2004 06:07 AM

focus, focus!

clean sweep. that's a good thing!

Posted by: river selkie at octobre 28, 2004 02:16 PM

i've been throwing away soooo much stuff. that is the thing that is taking the most time. however, i've made a serious dent in the clearing out. and now i think i will be able to get more packing done. i'm going to do the bathroom next.

right now, i am checking email and enjoying a chocolate shake from jack in the box. Priorities, people!!

Posted by: jodi at octobre 28, 2004 02:27 PM

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