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octobre 28, 2004

Satan's bookclub... because God hates an open mind.

I've been trying to think up tag lines for Satan's bookclub. That one above is my favorite so far, but I'm not satisfied with it. We'll see if something better comes to mind. It should be easier for me to work on it once I move. However, it's also the beginning of NaNoWriMo. And I am not sure when i will have internet access at the house. I haven't arranged for it yet. Did mention that in a previous post? It feels familiar.... oh well. The point is, I may not have that much time, in November, to work on it. Louise and I still have a photo shoot we need to do, and then some photoshopping. That's the most time consuming part. I think I will make Louise do the photoshopping.

I'll be up all night finishing the packing. That is just how I am. I don't move fast until there is danger. Movers showing up at 8 am, who are paid by the hour, is danger. The danger has to be imminent. Really really imminent. It's ok, I'm a night person. And once everything is moved, which shouldn't take that long, I can take a nap. I looooove napping. So don't think of this as waiting to the last minute LIKE AN IDIOT. Think of this as a way to set up a required napping situation. God, I am brilliant!

I was listening to Dracula, while packing my desk... Bram Stoker sure did like to use his words, didn't he. The story does drag a bit, in places. By far, my favorite narrating character is Dr. Seward. I feel very sorry for him, for having his proposal turned down. But, in the end, I guess it didn't matter... Lucy's fate was a short one. I am sort of anxious to finish it up, as I have received a notice from the library telling me that "Wizard and Glass" [audio book version] is ready for me to pick up. It's the 4th book in the Gunslinger series. I think.. yeah, the 4th. Anyway, both the 4th and the 5th books are ready for me to pick up. And I've been waiting a long time for them. I can't believe I didn't just go out and buy the books and read 'em.

Okay, that is enough procrastinating, I am going to go pack up the bathroom.

Posted by jodi at octobre 28, 2004 02:54 PM

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