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octobre 28, 2004

Thursday 10:49 pm

I've pretty much accepted the fact that not everything will be packed. I'm guessing the kitchen will probably not make the cut. Which means I will have to come back, pack it, and move it myself. Which is not that bad, because I have a hand truck and I can borrow Ron's truck. I also don't think I will have time to remove everything from the walls before they get here. Again... another thing that can wait. What can't wait is all the heavy stuff. The furniture and boxes of books, cd's, dvd's, etc. Oh well, I've have to come back to clean a little anyway. and I do mean A LITTLE. Let them use my deposit to hire cleaners. I'm totally cool with that.

Currently featured on iTunes:
Kermit the Frog - It's Not Easy Being Green

Pru is still here. I'm going to take her over to the house early in the morning. I don't want her spending her first night there without me. My baby kitty. Besides, if I am going to stay up all night, I'm going to need her to keep me company.

Currently featured on iTunes:
She's No Lady from the album Pontiac by Lyle Lovett

Posted by jodi at octobre 28, 2004 10:56 PM

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