« Friday 5:46 am | Main | Tipping »

octobre 29, 2004

Friday 8:50 am

How come it took me hours to pack all that stuff, to get as far as I did, and it takes them minutes to move it down to the truck. Unfair.

I'm going to have a lot left over to do myself. Never did unhook this computer. :)

And so ends our moving updates.

Posted by jodi at octobre 29, 2004 08:52 AM

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I see no mention of the man here. Also, where are the words of encouragement Like, "You go girl. Pack that stuff!"

I see you needed some information regarding tipping of movers and no one offered any advice.

I would, but I have no idea. I am not good at tipping service people. It has taken me years to get the idea one should tip the maid at a hotel and the bellhop when he moves your luggage around.

Tipping makes no sense anyway. I mean, why do i tip the Barista but not the fast food worker at Jack in the Box. I myself would much rather be a Barista than a fast food worker guy (they don't even get a cool name like Barista.)

Oh well. Happy Halloween.

Posted by: Evil Deb at octobre 29, 2004 01:58 PM

I KNOW! i suck at tipping, too. i also didn't know about tipping housekeeping in hotels until recently. i should contact the IRS and find out which professions they automatically assume a 15% gratuity on.

Posted by: arifa at octobre 29, 2004 03:39 PM

i wouldn't tip the movers. nor have i ever heard of anyone doing so. :: shrugs:: and who knows what they broke and you just don't know it yet.

Posted by: river selkie at octobre 29, 2004 04:31 PM

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