« Our minds must be conflicting because you say plague of snakes and all I hear is Easter bunny, Easter bunny, Easter bunny. | Main | Satan loves Delicious Library »

novembre 08, 2004

My five-year mission is to seek out new worlds and make them cuter.

I started back to work today. And I mean that in the loosest sense. Once I made my way through the 600+ emails I had, I was pretty lost. I asked EvilDeb what is was I did every day, that I remembered being busy. She doesn't know. I figure that whatever it was I did, it was top secret. Nobody else knows, and I didn't write it down. Perhaps, even now, a communique is on it's way, to tell me of my next mission. Should I chose to accept it.

River, Princess Gwendolyn (aka: Princess Pancake) cannot poison people! She is a good princess! She might fall prey to some poisoning plots, however. But no snake bites! Oh my god... none of those terrible snakes. I cannot read any more about them and still keep my "I'm not afraid of snakes" philosophy. What P.G. does need, however, is an animal companion, on her quest. A talking animal companion. I'm currently open to suggestions. I'm leaning towards monkey. I can tell you right now, no birds. Maybe she'll have a snake!

Posted by jodi at novembre 8, 2004 12:55 PM

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no talking monkeys... i mean, a talking monkey is pretty much a person. what about a seahorse that floats through the air?

Posted by: arifa at novembre 8, 2004 03:09 PM

oooh, a seahorse that floats through the air sounds elegantly fantastic! sounds perfect for princess gwendolyn.

oh, and btw, p.g. CAN poison people, she just doesn't...or so you say. maybe she accidentally poisons people?

Posted by: river selkie at novembre 8, 2004 08:29 PM

ok, there will be a seahorse that floats through the air. but before i saw the comment, i already came up with the animal sidekick. it's a spider. and his name is eddie. eddie, the sparkly spider. who just may be very very poisonous.

Watch out, Assclown!!

Posted by: jodi at novembre 8, 2004 10:42 PM

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