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novembre 08, 2004

Satan loves Delicious Library

Oh.. you guys you guys you guys! The most wonderful thing came out today. Delicious Monster's Delicious Library!! And it is delicious! I boxed up some of my books and put them in the garage this weekend. Only a few of them. Before I did that, I wrote down the titles and ISBN numbers. Because I am that much of a bookie. Anyway, I just entered in all the books, indicated their location in the info, and even created special bookshelves to show what was in box A and box B. Don't think I won't be adding a special shelf just for Satan's bookclub books. It has a borrower / checkout feature. So I can keep track of which books I loan to Louise.

If I had an iSight, I could scan the barcodes directly. If I had one. I wonder why I don't have one. I should. Don't you think? I could have a jodicam.

Oh, by the way, it syncs up to my iPod, so I can carry my library around with me. sigh. It's so beeyoo-ti-ful.

Posted by jodi at novembre 8, 2004 07:33 PM

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But does your portable library have the ubiquitous lions on either side of it's entrance/egress?

Posted by: Thomas at novembre 9, 2004 07:16 AM

nope. no lions. it's got a glow in the dark purple case, tho.

Posted by: jodi at novembre 9, 2004 07:51 AM

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