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novembre 15, 2004

Smelly-girl no more!

I went to my mommy's house to take a shower and perform a toilet. I smell all pleasant and clean. Like soap... and green apples. [that's the shampoo]. Now I am preheating the oven to make myself some pizza, and my goal this evening is to do something about my disastrous NaNoWriMo word count. And not just because I got a super nice thank you car and sticker, for my donation, in the mail. Surely, if the only requirement is that they are actual words, I can write 50,000 of them by the end of November. I've even turned on that great utility that makes typwritery noises on my mac, as I write. For ambiance.

Posted by jodi at novembre 15, 2004 07:12 PM

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You got a thank you CAR?!?! Damn! I think I'd better sign up for this NaNoWriMo thing, next year! Teeheehee!

Posted by: Romy at novembre 17, 2004 04:32 PM

did i say car? ooops.

Posted by: jodi at novembre 17, 2004 06:33 PM

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