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novembre 16, 2004

More procrastination techniques

Well, the booklist page is pretty much rebuilt. The only thing missing is the audio book section. But all the books I've read since November 03 are listed there. Give or take. I'm sure a few (many) slip through the cracks. Additionally, I have just finished entering in all the books that are on, or around my bookshelf in Delicious Library. Total is 370. It seems like it should be more. I blame my love of the Library.


Posted by jodi at novembre 16, 2004 07:55 PM

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I finally took a look at the Delicious Library. Now that is technology at work. Scary tracking possibilities, but what a niche. Please tell me that you actually prefer paper to digital....Something about the flipping of a page that is comforting.

Posted by: Robert at novembre 20, 2004 08:42 PM

Oh, when it comes to reading, I'm all about paper. As much as I love the paperless office, I don't think I'd like a paperless library. Too hard to read for long periods of time off a monitor or screen.

Posted by: jodi at novembre 21, 2004 01:12 AM

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