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novembre 17, 2004

Still no working water today.

Technically, I suppose I could take a shower. As long as I didn't let the water drain. We typically call that a bath, don't we? Oooo, and then I could bail the water out with a bucket!! Fun! You should always try to look on the positive side of things, you know.

Anyway, Ron's getting estimates. Sigh.

Posted by jodi at novembre 17, 2004 04:11 PM


Go use EvilDeb, Louise, or Patti's shower - sheesh!

I hope it's fixed soon, cuz that really sucks ass!

Posted by: Romy at novembre 17, 2004 04:31 PM

i was only kidding. about the bucket.

i hope so too.

Posted by: jodi at novembre 17, 2004 06:32 PM

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