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décembre 08, 2004

Depriving the American public of my talent is letting the terrorists win.

I read the Get Fuzzy everyday, because I enjoy Bucky the cat. Today's comic explains how you, my internet friends, could help me become a best selling novelist.

Squishy was momentarily possessed by Satan. The space bar on the keyboard quit working, soeverythingIwastypingendeduplikethis. And then, I typed the letter "L" and it would not quit typing the letter. I sat there with my hands in the air as EvilDeb and I watched the window fill up with little "L's." I think this is Satan's way of getting my attention and letting me know I should get working on his bookclub.

Posted by jodi at décembre 8, 2004 10:40 AM


hey, are you calling us mindless drones?

Posted by: loon [TypeKey Profile Page] at décembre 8, 2004 02:01 PM

noooo. it's more that i need one, a drone, and if you ever had a dream to be one...

Posted by: Jodi [TypeKey Profile Page] at décembre 8, 2004 02:10 PM

oh. ok. :)
and the only drone dreams i have are the ones where they work for me. :)

Posted by: loon [TypeKey Profile Page] at décembre 9, 2004 10:57 AM

Nothing wrong with the "L". It either turns right or left depending on your perspective. AND, in Chicago, it will get you were you are longing to adventure.

Posted by: Robert at décembre 10, 2004 08:04 PM

oooh... i love Get Fuzzy! i read it everyday, too! =D

Posted by: Judy at décembre 15, 2004 05:31 AM

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