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décembre 16, 2004

force dirty

When you are testing software, a document that has changes made to it, but has not been saved, is called "dirty." I was reviewing an issue, written by someone in QE [testing] who used the term "force dirty," and for some reason, it really resonated with me. Sometimes, we are all forced dirty. And when we'll we be saved?

I've been reading a literary blog called MoorishGirl.com lately, and enjoying it very much. And from that website, I found out about Buyblue.org, a website that lists companies who gave charity who align with the blue political sensibilities. From there, I learned I should be buying books from Barnes and Noble, rather than Amazon.com. I think I tend to buy more from Barnes and Noble, because I like going to bookstores and browsing. I should stay away from Walmart [duh], Target [no, sorry. no, can't do that.] and Circuit City. But I'm free to spend at Costco and Nordstrom. Wheeeee!! And 100% of Netflix's political contributions went to Democrats. Hot dog, I love the netflix!! But here is one of my favorites... stay away from Hallmark! They don't care to give what I call the very best. I always knew that place was secretly run by Satan. And during the Day After Christmas sale, all His Dark Minions gather and go to war over 50% the ugly xmas wrapping paper that remains. It truly is Hell on Earth. Believe me, I used to work there.

Posted by jodi at décembre 16, 2004 04:24 PM


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