« There's no reason we need to be shackled by the strictures of the employee-employer relationship. Unless you're into that sort of thing. In which case, I got some shackles in the back. I'm just kidding. But seriously, I've got 'em. | Main | Let's settle this once and for all, runt! Or ain't you got the gumption? »

janvier 03, 2005

Still no commenting...

Its not really necessary for me to point out that comments are still not working, that I do not have access to the mt-comments.cgi file I installed on my web page. Its just that I am so frustrated, I feel I have to mention it. Now, I can't even contact support at cyberpixels. I get a PerlDesk error. Even when I send an email. It has be about 6 days since I reopened my ticket... no one has responded to me. That is not a satisfactory service level, my friends.


Posted by jodi at janvier 3, 2005 11:39 PM


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