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janvier 11, 2005

Harry, get me the laptop, the modem, the magnetic strip key that got us into this room... and a shower cap.

It has been suggested that those of us with laptops should take them home. In case of inclement weather tonight. So we can work from home, in necessary. But I have no faith in the inclement weather. After being so disappointed last Friday. Nonetheless, I will take my laptop home. Of course, if the entire site shuts down, it's an automatic PTO day. A free PTO day. In which case, should I work from home? or should I hang out in my pajamas all day reading and eating doublestuff oreos?

Posted by jodi at janvier 11, 2005 04:23 PM


May you be all safe, warm, curled up with your favorite blog "working" while sipping your favorite drink and watching boring daytime TV. Unless you lose electrons.

Posted by: Robert at janvier 11, 2005 05:21 PM

stupid weather people. no snow. NOW they are saying it's supposed to snow this afternoon/evening. yeah... right. they say there should be snow east of 405. Well, I live east of 405, and I'll believe it when I see it.

Posted by: Jodi [TypeKey Profile Page] at janvier 12, 2005 01:40 PM

however, i have the doublestuff oreos, so i am ready.

Posted by: Jodi [TypeKey Profile Page] at janvier 12, 2005 01:41 PM

Doublestuff will make all well. Does the weather shows hype up the "bad" weather in the ultimate search for better ratings where you live? They do here and it pisses me off. Get me all worked up for disappointment. Then they are wrong. Once, they had a 30 minute, post-event show where they tried to explain WHY they got it wrong. Idiots.

Posted by: DrinkJack at janvier 12, 2005 05:35 PM

you know what's funny? i read that as "east of THE 405" and i was about to type, "oooooh - you totally just wrote THE 405!" and then i reread what you wrote and saw that i just stuck it in there in my brain.

Posted by: arifa [TypeKey Profile Page] at janvier 12, 2005 06:10 PM

you know i would never refer to it as THE 405. Because that is wrong.

Posted by: Jodi [TypeKey Profile Page] at janvier 12, 2005 06:25 PM

drinkjack, they certainly do. everytime the temp drops below 40, it's an ARCTIC BLAST!! oh, and you have to add the year onto that. Arctic Blast - 2005.

but, see... i spent some time growing up in oklahoma. and that place had some SERIOUS WEATHER. so whenever we make a big deal out of two inches of snow, in seattle, i have to laugh.

Posted by: Jodi [TypeKey Profile Page] at janvier 14, 2005 11:45 AM

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