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février 02, 2005

I am the wild blue yonder. The front line in a never ending battle between good and not so good.

I was just browsing the MovableType Tips and Tricks forum, reading thread about spam. People were complaining about TypeKey, oh it was too hard for their readers to register, it was too big of an obstacle, no one comments on my blog now, blah blah blah. There was someone from Six Apart in there for awhile, but she has been missing for the last page of posts. She's probably banging her head against the wall. Occasionally, I read the forums for my software. These forums created for users. And it drives me nuts. Mostly what drives me nuts are the people are yelling at us asking us if we are listening, or when they question our intelligence. Oh! I like it when they accuse us of hatching nefarious plots. People can be very insulting in the forums that companies post for the users of their software. On the one hand, The Six Apart girl was honestly trying to get feedback, about what made this feature unacceptable. And they were giving it to her... rather brutally. Honest feedback is good. But on the other hand, she was required to then bang her head on the wall to remove the bitterness that was building from reading the posts. [I'm assuming. That's my procedure at least.]

Anyway, I was tempted to post just to tell them to shut the fuck up. If you aren't getting any comments because you require registration, maybe you aren't worth it. *gasp. I'm a little sensitive about user forums* No, but seriously, lots of people require registration. I do not register right away, but if I comment more than, say, three times a week, well then it's worth it to me to do so. Many blogs require my TypeKey log-in and then I read some that require Blogger ID's. That's two ... only two, for all the blogs I read. Not everyone is registered to comment on my blog, but I am lucky enough to be able to moderate my blog fairly easily. I don't have that many commenters. Some people do not have time to moderate every comment, and to be forced to require registration to cut down on comment spam is unfortunate. But, things change, the entire state of Washington used to use one area code, now I have to use an separate area code to call my house from my office. I adapted, and I am not good at remembering numbers, kids. People will learn to adapt, they will learn to register on the blogs that really matter to them. Because this right here, this is war, [start humming the Battle Hymn of the Republic here] and the comment spammers are going down. I would think people who enjoy the blog world would be in favor of joining the fight by registering. Only YOU can stop forrest fires, campers!!

Yup, you guessed it. Not much going on ... outside of work. So I thought I'd just get all riled up and and righteous. n'shit.

Posted by jodi at février 2, 2005 05:57 PM


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