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février 10, 2005

Workplace Euphemisms

The Man: I'm cleaning my cube.
*Jodi, Evildeb and KK giggle, because sounds like a naughty joke.*
Evildeb: Is that a euphemism?
Jodi: I'm CLEANING my CUBE. Anything can be a euphemism if you say it right.
Evildeb: Well, I'm installing Publisher.
Jodi: I'm INSTALLING PUBLISHER. Hmmmm... what would that mean?
Evildeb: It means I am wasting my time.
*Jodi and Evildeb laugh uncontrollably. Because it's a Mocking Publisher joke.*
Jodi: From now it, is is a official. "Installing Publisher" is another way of saying you wasted time.
The Man: What would 'Extracting a DMG file' mean?
Jodi: Ummmm... that would mean that you had to spend considerable time in the facilities. The restroom.
*Everyone laughs because it's a poop joke*
Jodi: You know what? I am going to share our new euphemism with the whole world!
Evildeb: Is that a euphemism?

Pretty soon I am going to have to create a jodictionary, to explain all my new words and phrases.

Posted by jodi at février 10, 2005 02:25 PM


"Share with the whole world" - Euphamism for screaming "holy f%%k, your a dumbass and I must teach you".

Posted by: DrinkJack [TypeKey Profile Page] at février 10, 2005 05:22 PM

yesss... you are good at this grasshopper.

that's especially relevant considering what i do for a living.

Posted by: Jodi [TypeKey Profile Page] at février 10, 2005 05:34 PM

"What I do for a living" - Euphamism for "No, I haven't won the f%%king lottery yet, and thanks for reminding me I'm still a slave in this god-forsaken hellhole."

Posted by: Thomas at février 11, 2005 01:50 PM

yeah, what i do for a "living" really means what i do for "money."

Posted by: Jodi [TypeKey Profile Page] at février 11, 2005 02:26 PM

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