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février 10, 2001

100 things as of 2005

  1. I can't remember a time when I could not read.
  2. I'm addicted to Dr Pepper.
  3. I have green eyes, but they didn't turn green until I was in grade school.
  4. My eyes used to be blue green.
  5. For five and a half years I had a house bunny named Phoebe.
  6. She was known across the world as The B.
  7. Now I have a cat named Pru.
  8. She is known throughout the land as Pru, but I call her Baby Kitty.
  9. Sometimes I accidentally call her B.
  10. I'd rather read books than do just about anything. Just about anything... but not everything.
  11. I can cross one eye at a time.
  12. I have a hard time finishing what I've started.
  13. I don't sleep much, average of 4 hours on a school night.
  14. I'm a night person, if left to my own circadian rhythm, I will become nocturnal.
  15. I'm being treated for depression.
  16. Most people at work would be surprised to know that I suffer from depression.
  17. I've tried therapy, but I don't think it did much for me.
  18. I think blogging is better than therapy.
  19. I come from a family of addicts.
  20. I do not posses the addictive gene, despite what I said above about Dr Pepper.
  21. I have a tattoo on the back of my left shoulder.
  22. I am a Unitarian.
  23. My tattoo is a flaming chalice, with green flames.
  24. I have a potty mouth.
  25. I have a nose piercing.
  26. My mom thought I was too old to get my nose pierced.
  27. I was about 33 at the time.
  28. I've never been married.
  29. Not sure if I ever want to be, I don't have much faith in the institution.
  30. It's easy to say that, when you are not in love, however.
  31. I don't have any kids.
  32. I like kids, but I think I am too selfish to have them.
  33. Plus, I don't want to be a single mom.
  34. I'm financially fucked.
  35. I have super-duper denial capabilities.
  36. I want to be a writer.
  37. I work at a software company.
  38. They treat me well, and I like my job.
  39. I often remember my dreams.
  40. I wish I wrote them down, however, so I could hang on to the details.
  41. I desperately want to be telekinetic.
  42. I also want to be THE BEST PSYCHIC IN THE WORLD so I could be a psychic detective.
  43. I wanted to be a private detective when I was growing up.
  44. Or a teacher, or a writer or a dolphin psychologist.
  45. My parents divorced when I was five.
  46. I once chased a bank down the street with my friend Dee Dee. He was on foot, we were in her civic.
  47. We didn't catch him.
  48. We only chased him because a woman came out of the bank and said "follow that man he just robbed the bank."
  49. If we had caught him, I'm not sure what we would have done with him.
  50. My mom and stepfather divorced when I was 33. I think this divorce was harder than the first, for me.
  51. My father passed away when I was 26. I don't think my stepmom will ever get over it.
  52. I have two brothers.
  53. Technically, it would be 1.5 brothers I imagine, one belongs to my stepmother and father.
  54. My older brother is 2 years older than me.
  55. My younger brother [half] is 13 years younger than me.
  56. He was a pain in the ass when he was a kid, but I love him to bits now. Even if he is a vegan.
  57. I don't trust vegans. I think it "means something" when you chose to be a vegan. Probably that you have "issues."
  58. I have issues but I am a complete carnivore. meat meat meat!!
  59. If my only choice is no-fat anything, I'd rather not have it.
  60. I worked at McDonalds when I was in high school. I lasted 4 months. I wasn't fired, I quit.
  61. I did not study anything computer related in school, not even in college.
  62. I got into computers when someone put a mac on my desk and told me to watch it for incoming files.
  63. That was in 93 or so? It escalated from there.
  64. I am a mac user. 100%
  65. I have a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Washington.
  66. I was born in Denver, in the same hospital as my brother and also as my father.
  67. After that it went, Phoenix, Dallas, Seattle, Grand Junction, Tulsa, SF Bay Area, San Diego, Seattle.
  68. I spent my summers in the Bay Area, with my dad and stepmonster.
  69. She knows I call her my stepmonster. With love.
  70. I don't cook.
  71. I don't sew.
  72. I don't do crafty things.
  73. Therefore, it is possible, judging from my family, I am adopted.
  74. I used to tell people I was adopted, that my real parents were a Russian Gypsy and a Spanish Aristocrat.
  75. There is no Russian or Spanish blood in my veins, but I am fascinated by Russian culture and want to learn to speak it.
  76. I'm Irish, Scottish, Swedish, Norwegian and rumor has it, Dutch.
  77. I've never left North America.
  78. I am not well travelled, outside of this country.
  79. I can say four things in Japanese.
  80. Abunai!! means Danger! Watch out! in japanese. It works best when you yell it.
  81. I'm very very lazy.
  82. I'm a Libra.
  83. I'm Housekeeping Challenged.
  84. I have a cello which I play very poorly. Very poorly indeed.
  85. I was with my Moür Moür when she met President Ford. He stopped in Grand Junction and shook hands. He shook hers. Not mine, however.
  86. I read comic books.
  87. Not only could I do a list of a hundred things, I could do a list of 900 if you wanted. They wouldn't all be interesting, tho.
  88. When I was in grade school, my teachers would always isolate my desk because I was too social.
  89. I hate the telephone. I usually don't answer it.
  90. Well, maybe not 900. But 100 is pretty damn easy.
  91. I am a member of the Überbrain.
  92. I realize I said that I do not posses the addictive gene, but I am a bit addicted to blogging.
  93. I go through phases where I eat the same things repeatedly, and then don't eat them again for years. Ex: stovetop stuffing phase. Ate it every day.
  94. I think that chips and salsa is a perfectly good dinner.
  95. People think I am funny.
  96. They also think I am strange.
  97. And stubborn and hardheaded. That I have a "smart mouth." Perhaps a wee bit difficult.
  98. Who cares what they think?
  99. i scold people for being rude in stores, especially if they are unnecessarily rude to sales people or clerks. Or they cute in line in front of me.
  100. I'm a bit of a train wreck, actually. Occasional derailment with no casualties.
  101. Oh... one more thing... I love getting comments on my blog, especially from people I do not know, who then comment enough that I start to get to know them. If that makes any sense.

Posted by jodi at février 10, 2001 05:59 PM


Now, I can consider myself and enlightenend person! Interesting stuff ;-)

Posted by: Chris at mars 3, 2005 09:41 AM

Just came across your blog. Good reading. My favorite blogsport is these 100 things lists. I guess I'm some sort of voyuer that way. I'll have to do one myself soon. Yes I will be back. Peace.

Posted by: t. primo at mars 10, 2005 04:57 PM

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