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mars 07, 2005

Well, maybe you'll have night after night of eternal hellfire all to yourself. Just kidding you. Drive safe. Bye-bye.

From Ze's blog....

Wisconsin hunter wants open season on free-roaming domestic cats.
Ok... it's an 28 hour drive from Seattle to Madison, and I'd have to drive, because I could not take guns on the plane. Wow. That's a long drive, I'm going to need to burn some cd's first. I need to stop off in Arizona to pick up my father's hunting rifles. My stepmom has been trying to find someone who wants them. But Josh is vegan and I'm not a big fan of hunting. Shooting maybe, but not hunting. Maybe she can just ship them to Madison for me. Yeah.... Who's with me? I now declare open season on any hunter who wants to declare open season on pets!!

If someone shot Prudence, I'd bring down an unholy rain of hellfire upon them so fast it would singe my eyebrows before I could jump back. I could do it, too. Evildeb would help me. She's got connections. EVIL connections.

Posted by jodi at mars 7, 2005 01:07 PM


If someone shot your cat, you could count on my ultra conservative ties to rally together some NRA whack jobs to join in the fray against the kitty-killer. Most conservatives love kitties, especially when the kitty inquestion has the softest-waftest widdle belly in da' whole while world!

Who's a sweet baby kittycat? Who's a sweet baby kitty-witty?

Posted by: Thomas at mars 7, 2005 02:27 PM

finally, conservatives will come in handy!

prudence really does have the softest-waftest widdle belly in da' whole while world. it's true. scientifically engineered to be übersoft, it can actually be used as a weapon against terrorists.

Posted by: Jodi [TypeKey Profile Page] at mars 7, 2005 02:48 PM

"finally, conservatives will come in handy!"


check you out. seriously cracking me up twice in one day.

and i'll help you shoot some hunters...but just to maim, not to kill.

Posted by: river selkie at mars 7, 2005 08:04 PM

ok. only to maim. we can think of it like the catch and release type of fishing. we maim them, take them down, tattoo "dumbass" on their forehead and then release.

unless they shoot my cat, in which case, it's kill or be killed.

Posted by: Jodi [TypeKey Profile Page] at mars 7, 2005 08:18 PM

i bet pru can hold her own with her kitty hissing action!

Posted by: arifa [TypeKey Profile Page] at mars 7, 2005 11:58 PM

if they make it personal, then of course, it's personal. no holds barred.

Posted by: river selkie at mars 8, 2005 02:17 PM

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