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mars 07, 2005

Come on Jen was a healthy girl she must've had something that run on batteries

Fee and I had a great time this weekend. Now I am suffering from Fee withdrawal. Which is not unlike caffeine withdrawal with a touch of acid reflux thrown in. This weekend left me with jeans that at all too tight. There was a lot of food involved. Junk food. Comfort food. Although, right now, it's definitely discomfort food. I might have to declare tomorrow Pajama Pant Tuesday.

Saturday night Fee and I went over to Evildeb's house, and Fee was able to witness the Best Bad Movie in the history of all Bad Movie I discovered when I still had HBO. Deep Blue Sea. Do you doubt it's genius? Don't make me tell you about ice. This movie is BRILLIANT. Everyone is free to come over to Evildeb's house and we'll watch it with you. We'll make popcorn and cupcakes and we'll drink fruity cocktails and we'll watch you enjoy the film, as you begin to wonder how you ever lived a full life without knowing it's beauty. I think I've watched this film about a dozen times. At least.

Yesterday Fee and I were up in the Pike/Pine area of Capital Hill, looking for a place called Frites. It's a Belgian Fry place, all it sells are fries in paper cones. With dozens and dozens of dipping sauce choices. Like a dope, I left the house without getting the address. But I knew the general area to look. I thought I could find it. Wrong. So I took Fee into Toys in Babeland for the dual purpose of taking her into a sex toy shop [for potential blog fodder] and to ask if they knew where Frites was. Sadly, we had missed a free workshop on Pumping your Privates for Pleasure. However, if she comes back on April 3rd, I believe, we could attend Porn Appreciation. Directions given, we set off down Pike or Pine [who's to say which one it was, they are pretty interchangeable], discussing the possible merits of glass blown sex toys. While the nice lady sent us on the right way, she neglected to tell us that we had to leave Pike/Pine. So after talking to a nice girl at Tully's, we finally found it. Only it wasn't open for another hour. Fee was already shivering with cold [because it was a frigid 62 degrees and sunny] and hunger [because she is so very delicate]. So we ate somewhere else. By the time we were done, it was time for Frites to open up. We walked to the car, and I was going to drive by and drop Fee off, so she could grab some fries. She got out of the car, but came back less than a minute later. Open only twenty minutes, they had already left a sign on the door that said "be back in five minutes." So we both said "Fuck you, Frites!! You can take your screwy Belgian Fries and shove em somewhere uncomfortable!" Or that might have just been me.

Speaking of corrupting Fee, I also bought some Whoppers Malted Easter Robin's Eggs, which she had never had. She was sadly innocent of Easter candy, being Muslim. But she tried them, and now she has Jesus Christ swimming around in her soul!! That's the real purpose of Easter Candy, you know. Won't be long before she's dying eggs and hiding them in the back yard.

Posted by jodi at mars 7, 2005 03:45 PM


Maybe Frites had to run down to the food mart to pick up some potatoes? Sauces galore just won't work without the spuds.

Toys looked like a great, classy store. Much better than stuff around here (like I would know anything about that). Online buying as well...

Posted by: DrinkJack [TypeKey Profile Page] at mars 7, 2005 05:19 PM

you know, babeland is a classy store. they tried to set up a store that was comfortable for women. so they take all the toys out of the tacky boxes, the ones featuring women with ginormous breasts, and put them out to play with. the atmosphere is not unlike a shoe store. one that sold fuck me pumps, that is.

Posted by: Jodi [TypeKey Profile Page] at mars 7, 2005 06:14 PM

" But she tried them, and now she has Jesus Christ swimming around in her soul!!"


Posted by: river selkie at mars 7, 2005 08:01 PM

well, i ate those robin's eggs a couple days ago. i probably pooped jesus out by now.

hey - they are showing the daily show with the rock as a repeat right now.

i miss you, too.

and lastly... if i ever have a biography i want you to write it. my life sounds so much more interesting coming from you!

Posted by: arifa [TypeKey Profile Page] at mars 7, 2005 11:55 PM

She probably has Jesus and Allah playing pinochle in her soul. Give her a kosher hotdog and see what happens when Jehovah gets thrown in.

It's like "Real World: Divintity Face-Off."

Posted by: Thomas at mars 8, 2005 06:42 AM

arifa... you don't poop things out of your SOUL!!

Posted by: Jodi [TypeKey Profile Page] at mars 8, 2005 07:07 AM

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