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mars 09, 2005

Evildeb has small, short-lived explosive events every day.

Mount St. Helen's had a brief coughing fit last night, that lasted about 30 minutes. There are cool pictures all over the web. Some people reported ash. Luckily, the local news was on at the time, so they were not forced to pre-empt any prime time television shows. I'm sure the 11 o'clock news was made up, entirely, of volcanic information. I heard that they worked it into both weather and sports. Tonight, we'll probably have reports on dealing with the emotional ramifications of last night's explosive event. I hope they have a bitchen title for the whole thing... Big Burp 2005!!

Posted by jodi at mars 9, 2005 12:35 PM


When this first started, I literally watched the "live" cams in hopes of seeing a burp. I see I missed another one.

Posted by: DrinkJack [TypeKey Profile Page] at mars 9, 2005 05:37 PM

well, i miss all the good stuff. i would not have been able to see it from my house, but i could have watched it over and over and over and over and over on the news. i missed even THAT.

Posted by: Jodi [TypeKey Profile Page] at mars 9, 2005 06:30 PM

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