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mars 11, 2005

Hey Blogger... why you dissing me?

Does the word "dissing" as in "to dis" have two s's in it? hmmm...

Anyway, I am not able to comment on any Blogger blog right now. And I can't find any information about it. Blogger returns a page that says that the blog cannot be found and do I want to return to the dashboard. No, I don't. I want to share my genius with the author of this blog!! I don't use Blogger, but I am still trying to figure this out. It happens to me at home and at work. I feel shunned.

Posted by jodi at mars 11, 2005 07:59 AM


You're not alone. I can't either :-(

Posted by: Chris at mars 11, 2005 09:23 AM

oh my god... it's a conspiracy! a conspiracy against all the really really cool kids! blogger is trying to prevent the MT type kids from commenting!

Posted by: Jodi [TypeKey Profile Page] at mars 11, 2005 09:38 AM

i know one person who has had trouble on my blog and she doesn't use blogger either.

Posted by: river selkie at mars 11, 2005 08:24 PM

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