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mars 12, 2005

The Swinging Babe wanted some time off.

Don't be sad, Fee, I know you like the swinging moods of jodiferous, but I was tired of the swinging babe, I really didn't feel like changing her bikini color again. I'm sure she'll be back. She just needed some time off, and I needed something new to mess with. And look! She's got green glasses! Just like me.

Posted by jodi at mars 12, 2005 07:46 PM


This looks fantastic, although I am already missing the swinger. Nice Mac plug too!

Posted by: DrinkJack [TypeKey Profile Page] at mars 13, 2005 08:18 AM

Wow. Uber-nifty. I like it! Of course, I like the swinging girl, too, but this is a cool change of pace, for awhile!

Posted by: Romy [TypeKey Profile Page] at mars 13, 2005 09:22 AM

well, two and a half years of swinging babe... i needed something new. plus, i couldn't sleep. of course then i realized i'd have to change the booklist page as well. still working out the kinks on that one. but it needs to match as well.

Posted by: Jodi [TypeKey Profile Page] at mars 13, 2005 09:35 AM

no, no! i love it! i just said, "oooOOoooh!"

Posted by: arifa [TypeKey Profile Page] at mars 13, 2005 08:28 PM

I dig the new look. Very cool ;-)

Posted by: Chris at mars 14, 2005 06:28 AM

ooooh! i'm diggin' typer babe too :)

Posted by: loon [TypeKey Profile Page] at mars 14, 2005 12:18 PM

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