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août 30, 2002

yeah... i know... the bbs3k still doesn't work.

sigh. sorry. the link below is wrong and i never noticed that the test posts didn't actually show up on the web page. it looked like i was posting. awwww... nuts. i'm tired of it. i'm not going to think about it for the rest of the day. i'll think about it tomorrow. yes....tomorrow.

Posted by jodi at 01:57 PM | Comments (1)

with heart, faith and steel. in the end there can be only one.... uberbrain.

wheeeee!!! it's back up!! the the bbs3k is available at it's temporary address!! thank god! it only took about 97% of the alotted brain i was given when i left the house this morning, [some of the brains wanted to sleep in] to figure out how to edit those perl scripts. if you are under the impression that i know anything about perl, you are sadly mistaken. this doesn't mean i've fixed my domain name server woes. otherwise we would not have to use the temp address. but it's a start.

last night, lonnie came over to help me finish up with the moving of the furniture and hiding of the cables and wires. then we hung out at the skate park. because i sooooo fit in there. no, lonnie wanted to skate up and down concrete curves, hills and valleys on his longboard. there was this great kid there, blond, shirtless, pierced nipple, baggy jeans that allowed me to see about 1/3 of his plaid boxers. he kept trying to do some thing over and over. i think he was supposed to land by flipping the board with his feet and then landing back on it. i don't know. anyway, every signle time he failed [because he failed every time] he let out this "ARRRGHHHH!" loud enough so that everyone could hear how he was suffering for his art. it was great. he was a regular little skateboard princess. one time, the frustration of his struggles for perfection so vexed him, he threw the board across the concrete bowl thing and on to the grass. with the mightiest of aaarrrghhh's yet. such such dedication. it needed a soundtrack.

Posted by jodi at 11:26 AM | Comments (1)

août 29, 2002

you are about five different kinds of crazy, did you know that?

there is a crazy lady posting on the forums. not the bbs3k... but THESE FORUMS. i would like to do a short skit, illustrating the level of crazy i am talking about. you know that i know what i am talking about here.

ok, this skit stars a hypothetical crazy lady customer and a hypothetical phone technician. and here is a small snippet of a conversation between the two.
tech: in order to import graphic files into the document, you use the file>place command.
clc: THAT'S RIDICULOUS!! when you chose "place" you aren't GOING ANYWHERE!! and everyone KNOWS that a place is somewhere you GO!!
technician then explains the verb form of the word place.

imagine that conversation going on and on and on. for hours and hours and hours. insert sreaming and yelling for good measure. that's the life of phone support. thank god i am off the phones.

still no communication from verisign. sent the 2nd fax. i'll call again tomorrow.

Posted by jodi at 07:03 PM | Comments (0)

no matter what you've heard... there are no free monkeys.

hi! that's just something lance said at lunch. he said something else i liked, but i can't remember what it was.

so, i've been playing around with the design a bit. just for fun. taking style sheets from other sites and making changes. figuring out how this whole movable type thing works. by the way, regarding the bbs3k, i have still NOT received any help from network solutions. they keep telling me to do the same thing over and over. fill out the same form and fax it. all replies to my inquiries are form e-mails. it's making me mad. stupid e-mail support... it can be way sucky, sometimes. so now i am on the phone. and he keeps calling me miss jodi. they called me miss jodi when i worked at the day care. it's funny. plus he has an indian accent. which makes it cuter. anyway, i followed their instructions to the T, but they must have left some other letters out of the instructions. because what i faxed was not good enough. but they could not actually let me know. the tech says, if i follow the prooper procedure, it should be fixed in up to THREE DAYS!! i'm mostly annoyed at verio, because i registered the domain thru them, and now they act like they've never heard of it. but in actually, i'm blaming everything on my boobies for the next two weeks.

speaking of boobies, the countdown has begun for surgery. B minus 13 days. preporations for the 13th day include.... ummm. getting a massage. yes. i have a massage at 4. it's an integral part of the process. believe me, my boobies will thank me later.

Posted by jodi at 01:00 PM | Comments (0)

août 28, 2002

my god... it's full of stars!

to continue today's space odyssey quote title theme.

i'd like to thank arifa and tom for their comments. commenting is FUN! who needs a board. we can all just comment on my journal. :)

i'd like to rant about something other than my web server issues. as previously stated in yesterday's blog entry, evildeb gave me a surround sound system for free. five speakers, subwoofer, and receiver. she decided it no longer worked the way she'd like it too. she wanted to a buy a new one. so she did! and it's lovely. yesterday, lonnie and corie came over to help me hook it up. in the process, we decided that the fung shui of the room was not adequate for a surround sound system, and we needed to move everything about. which meant unhooking my "theatre" system, taking things out of shelves and heavy oak cabinets, moving, hooking things up again. it was sweaty, sticky work. and now a bomb has exploded in my casita, since i have to now put everything back.

anyway, the rant part is coming up now. midway thru the evening, we went to the MALL for panda chinese and to visit radio shack. i spend a lot of time at radio shack. i'm a do-it myself kinda girl. i use the girly out clause only for issues of an automotive-repair nature. [honestly, i have no idea how to change a flat tire! *giggle*] i used to think that the radio shack guys were techno wizards!! i held them in the highest esteem. but you know what? they don't know shit. i cannot tell you how many times i have gone in and asked them if something was possible, receive a negative response, do my own research and find out it is. i go in asking for items i find on their web site and they have no idea what it is. am i the only one? they know nothing at radio shack! it was a loss of innocence, when i was first confronted with that reality, i'll tell you what. kinda like realizing you dad can't do everything.

no news on uberbrain.com. :( the worst part is, anyone who emails me, arifa or my friend lonnie, is going to get their mail returned to them. eeek.

aren't blogs just great? you can talk and talk and talk.

Posted by jodi at 01:47 PM | Comments (1)

i've just picked up a fault in the AE35 unit. it's going to go 100% failure in 72 hours

for those of you interested in the location of your bbs3k message board... i know it's there somewhere. the temp address does not work for posting, because it wants to post to the domain uberbrain.com.
and, as we all know by now, i've lost uberbrain.com. and i cannot quite convince people that it was mine to begin with. let that be a lesson to you kids. always keep your contact info current. it doesn't help you if they send the top secret info you need to a now defunct address.
woe is me. or is it whoa is me? i don't know. but look!! i've added fun comment features to the blog!! so you can comment on how much i suck, if you like.

Posted by jodi at 12:18 PM | Comments (1)

août 27, 2002

help! i'm covered in beeeeees!!!

i doubt seriously there is anything i can put in this blog that cannot be titled with a quote from an Eddie Izzard concert. i'm sure i will tire of it eventually.

i've just set up this blog. testing it out a bit. wasting the last five minutes before i leave work. it has no specific purpose, this blog. although i suspect, over the next few weeks, it will be focusing on my upcoming surgery. since i am a little freaked about it. in a good way. and a nervous way. it distracts me from most other things in life. Except for one thing, Prudence. Prudence and the surgery. those are my current obsessions. Prudence, the surgery, and cleaning my house before the surgery as promised to my mother. Prudence, the surgery, cleaning my house before the surgery as promised to my mom, and hooking up the surround sound system evildeb gave me for free.

and getting this blog up and running.

Posted by jodi at 05:00 PM | Comments (1)