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septembre 30, 2002

to hold you over until i have something to say....

ding, fries are done.

Posted by jodi at 01:03 PM | Comments (1)

septembre 27, 2002

that's enough peace and quiet for you!

hi. long time no write, huh? i know. i expected to take a bit of a break, after the surgery. . what i didn't expect was everything else that happened after it. the surgery. i have a lot to write. it could take me the entire weekend to cover the last two weeks. but does anyone really want that much detail into my life? probably not. i'll try to break it up into separate entries. to summarize, i had the breast reduction. and it went really well in ways i did not expect, and weird in some other ways. i should have done it sooner. one week after my surgery, friday the 20th, my moür moür died. if you know any details of my family life, you will know how huge this is. moür moür was the matriarch of the big family. my mom's side of the family. she was a huge influence in my life. she is the most kick ass grandma, i've never known another like her. i don't think anyone who knew her thought differently.

all in all, a bunch of weird self reflection over the last two weeks. and if i write about it honestly in this blog, i'll be spilling my guts. we'll see how gutsy i get. we'll see.....

to be cont.

Posted by jodi at 08:41 PM | Comments (0)

septembre 11, 2002

my body is protesting...

it wants no more to do with this picking up and cleaning crap. its DONE. i can tell, because my whole right arm has decided to come down with the 24 hour arthritis. i swear, i do not know what's wrong with it, but it hurts. especially my hand. throbby. ouch.

i was a horrible employee this week. normally, when i am about to go on vacation, it's hard to pay attention. but i want to leave things tied up. and not pass off anything to anyone. this week, and part of last, i could not have cared less. bad bad bad employee. but oh well. yesterday, steve, tony and i had "lunch" at the metro cinemas. where we saw "goldmember." i had not seen it. it was perfect for two hours of hooky. lots of laughing. nothing serious. plus they had dr pepper. i got a large, which meant that i got free refills on my way out, back to work. wheeeee!

pattie, mi madre, is picking me up at 7 am tomorrow morning. we have to be at the hospital at 7:30. i'm not happy about the whole no shower thing. it's the hair. it won't be pretty. but pattie worked it out, she's going to french braid it into two braids, while wet, tomorrow morning. see how smart moms are? wicked smart.

i'm going to upload another picture of the pru, and this time i will try to get the thumbnail right. this pict goes out to aaiysha, who says my cat belongs in "cat fancy" magazine. many sand papery smooches to you, mother of zain, from the pru. an 8x10 signed glossy is on it's way to you.


much more of a thumbnail sized thumbnail, wouldn't you say?

i was talking to my massage therapist, summer, today... all about eddie izzard. i have her all primed and ready. when i go back, in a few weeks. i'll take her a tape of the HBO special. and then there will be another convert. i'm just a missionary for the good. got to get everyone to get a reading from dr. wanless, forever loyal to the apple macintosh, adobe software, and dr. pepper, have to promote the awsome pet qualities of the bunny... and now, i have to get people to love eddie izzard. it's just part of an every evolving mission in my life. new things to added as necessary.

Posted by jodi at 09:25 PM | Comments (1)

septembre 10, 2002

it's almost time...

to kiss these boobies good-bye. over half of them, i guess.

it's my last night to get anything done around the house. and i am completely wasting time. expect lots of entries tonight, i'm thinking. as i continue to stall. plus, i have many evil things to say about webster this evening. bad bad ebil boy.

wanna see something cute?


Posted by jodi at 08:01 PM | Comments (1)

septembre 09, 2002

damn you panda express!!

that's right. i'm eating crack chicken for dinner again. look, i had to go to the mall anyway, to pick something up. it's there, it's easy, i don't have to cook anything and it comes with it's own utensils. how can i resist?

well, i have two more days left, until b-day. and i admit it, i'm getting a little freaked out. not overly so. i still believe this will be a piece of cake. i believe that i will NOT experience any nausea after the surgery. but man... i just don't like the idea of staying overnight at the hospital. overlake called me twice today. once to preregister me, and the other for a health history. that means it's real. they are really going to cut me.

evildeb is going to take care of the pru. she's going to take her home thursday after work. while i am at the hospital and unable to care. and she will bring her back saturday. but that means i will be without my snuggle kitten friday night. and i HATE that idea. but it's probably for the best. i probably won't even feel like dealing with a playful kitten my first night home. since the first two days are supposed to be the worst. but man... take away my kitty? that's hard core, dude. i'll miss her something awful.

at this point, i have nothing really interesting to say. i just got home from work. i'm going to go clean the kitchen now. which i will hate doing. and it's at that point when i will have all the interesting things to say, i bet!!

Posted by jodi at 06:03 PM | Comments (1)

septembre 07, 2002

I think breast brains would be over-egging the woman pudding. Besides, you give breasts the power of independent thought and the next thing that happens they don't get on.

i never saw the movie "coupling" but that quote above is from it. i just thought, based on what i was about to say, i would check to see if there were any good quotes about pudding ... from movies i saw. and i saw this one. since it talks aobut breasts [a current obsession of mine. MY breasts, that is.] and pudding. i had to use it. there was also a great quote from the simpsons. but i don't watch the simpsons. i get a lot of flak about that. apparently i occaisionally quote homer. even tho i insist i am not, since i thought up what to say all by myself. so, to quote homer now, would be rather hypocritcal of me. don't you think? it was a great quote. let me know if you want to see it anyway.

so, yes, a brief moment to express some gratitude to my friend fee. i'd like to say, "thanks for the puddin'" the reason why? i just had a snack cup size of kozy shack rice pudding. some of the best stuff on earth. before arifa, i knew nothing about kozy shack. back in the day, the early uberbrain days. when most of us had not met face to face, and we spent hours on aim and icq.... arifa told me about kozy shack pudding. and it sounded good...but was i ready to introduce a new brand of pudding in my life? i wasn't sure. then, came the first ubergathering. the infamous bronco party where i first met some of them face to face. including fee. she picked me up at the airport, with debachu and tammy. i stayed with fee! first time i met her, face to face. she could have killed me in my sleep!! she could have sic'd the then baby nebbish on my face, and let him chew it off. but instead she took me to the grocery store and we bought pudding. and i became a convert. a kozy shack fan. and so, as i was just enjoying a snacky cup size rice pudding, i thought i'd better thank her for that. :) prudence would like to thank her too, as she is enjoying the empty snacky cup.

i was want to give a shout-out to my friend lonniemoon. over summer quarter, which is shorter than your average quarter, he took an intensive german language class that gets you through 101, 102, and 103, all in one quarter. i know he felt like it was treten seines esels [according to babblefish, that is Kicking His Ass in german.] but in the end, he kicked that deutsch class's prussian ASS!! ended up with a drei point something. YEAH!! and so, to the intenstive german language class at the university of washington, we say fuck off, mate! we don't want any of your deutschy-markies here!! we are DONE with foreign language requirements, and we are moving on. well, lonnie is. personally, i'm getting back into speaking french. thinking of taking a class. n'est-elle pas qu'une idée de génie?

Posted by jodi at 08:42 AM | Comments (1)

septembre 06, 2002

If the odds are good, go ahead and take that risk you've been considering.

that, right there, is the fortune cookie i got with my chinese food tonight. is that not the suckiest fortune cookie you've ever seen? there's no fortune in that cookie!! it basically says, "oh, i don't know what do you think? do whatever you want." it's a very wishy washy fortune cookie. brought to you by Panda Express. i should write a letter.

Dear Panda Express,

thank you for putting crack in your orange chicken. i have fallen prey to your plot, and am now addicted. however, your fortune cookies suck. please get a new fortune teller, this one is far too torpid and banal. perhaps your new one could take advantage of merriam webster's word of the day feature such as i have. regardless, i am looking forward to a more fatidical cookie in the future.



ps: seriously tho... thanks for the dr pepper. you are doing the lord's work in serving it. bless you.

Posted by jodi at 10:59 PM | Comments (0)

Because the other three are figments of your fucking imagination!

i have an overactive imagination. today, i had to run up to office max, for more cd's. massive back-up projects in the works. anyway, on the way back to work, i decided to stop at the Jack in the Box for a fresh dr pepper. and a chicken sandwich, which i would save for later. in front of me in the drive thru, there was a white truck which stopped briefly at the menu, and then slowly turned the corner, without stopping at the second menu, where you order. i pulled up, ordered, and drove around the corner. and there he sat, behind the car they were helping. i got it in my head that his plans for jack in the box were nefarious at best. i was convinced he was going to rob the place. via the drive thru. i then spent the next few minutes memorizing information about the truck, that i could give to the police. however, after that car pulled away, he drove away as well. which could mean only one of two things. he saw the sign on the window that said "cashiers have a minimum amount of cash in register." or he could tell that i was onto him. he could tell by my piercing green eyes, that i had made notice of his white gmc sierra truck, with the large black stripe on the back cab door, the yellow twine in the cab, some of which was shut in cab door and dangled down almost to the street, the mostly white french bulldog he had with him the truck. the fact her wore a blue baseball cap, sorta dusky blue and he had short brown hair and headphones in his ear; grey - the sporty kind with the nubby things that go in your ear. and he worked for a lawn care place, who's name i didn't catch, but the number is 283-LAWN. and his license plate was A66509M.

in reality, he had parked his car to go in and order.

and the above is all true. 8 hours later i remember all those details. didn't write any of it down, either. it's up here. in my gigantic brain.

Posted by jodi at 05:54 PM | Comments (0)

septembre 05, 2002

he's not the messiah. he's a very naughty boy!

just a couple more things today.

one of the albums i got yesterday was prince's 1999, which i have not heard, in it's entirety since about 1989. maybe. anyway...i'd just like to point out. that prince is a naughty little thing, isn't he? sassy!!

the title above is dedicated to webster, who loves to hear my opinions on jesus. more than anything in life, i suppose.

would someone please just come over here and clean up my house, so i don't have to, and i can keep working on the computer?? please?

Posted by jodi at 08:37 PM | Comments (2)

you have no call to get snippy with me; i'm just trying to do my job here.

yes, fee, i am am happy that someone reads my blog! :)

snippy co-worker day. one of those situations where you are in a meeting together, with a guest speaker, and you feel you have to overcompensate for co-workers attitude [which made me flinch, today] by being very very sweet or encouraging. i hate that. i also hate the constant negativity. bogs me down. just put on my earphones and try to keep to myself. or play with the sunny co-workers. who leave early, or work so hard they forget to pay attention to you all day. bah. but, i've been battling the blues for a couple of months now. and my inner sunshine is a vulnerable thing, lately. and when he gets all negative, it can really affect me. lately. i don't need that crap. we are about to implement a plan, tomorrow, that will potentially, almost certainly, be a gigantic pain in our ass. but he doesn't help, when gets bitchy about it. it's hard enough without that.

worst part is, i'm complaining about the same person who made me so happy yesterday, by bringing in 70gb's of mp3's to play with. see how fickle i am? mooooo-DEE!

so i forced the ebil webster to talk to me last night. i didn't spell that wrong. he's ebil. it's slightly less than evil. which is what deb is, and that is why we call her evildeb. anyway, he's not as evil as that. but he's ebil... which is kinda how a little kid would say "evil." webster is little kid evil. yes. not very evil, is it? no. kinda sad really. proof that he's ebil? he sent me this. i don't know, maybe you like the White Stripes. but i think that site is disrespectful of kittens. not that he cares, he sics his dog on kittens and then laughs an ebil laugh as they run away. e-b-i-l. i just wish he were in touch more, with his feelings. so he could admit he was mad at me, and we could work it out. such denial.

i think everyone is liking the new board format. i haven't heard from the board cult leader yet. she thinks because it's her birthday tomorrow, she doesn't have ot pay attention? ha! well, she'll miss all her happy birthday posts, then. :) well, let's go check out her psyche. it's online for all to enjoy!

Posted by jodi at 04:55 PM | Comments (1)

septembre 04, 2002

beta test

those who partake of the bbs3k, please go to the beta version of the board, using a different message board.

read my post there for more info, although you should have received an email. unless you are adam. because i don't have adam's email. :)

Posted by jodi at 10:02 PM | Comments (0)

come see the softer side of sears...

i've just spent about the last hour and a half, examining the softer side of sears. an hour and a half and $258. i had to get the two new tires. they tried to talk me into getting all four. but i am too wiley to fall for their smooth salesmen ways.

i've logged back in to tell you two things. first, i want everyone to know that my friend webster is mad and me, and he is ignoring me. for no apparent reason. i think that is very childish, and i am sure you will all agree. [it's important that you agree with me, and not webster. even if you don't know webster. ] i have done nothing to warrent this type of treatment, and i hope he comes to his senses soon.

second, i have to send you to this link, so you can check out prudence kitty's personal vet, my uncle skip. the best part of the article is the quote, Tigers don't necessarily like having a needle stuck in their butt." in the printed version, this was a pull quote - highlighted in all it's glory. everyone in the fam agreed, it was tres skip. i asked my mom why i have memories of skip taking me to visit a bengel tiger when i was a kid. she says because he did take me to see a bengel tiger. not at the zoo. but somewhere else. the tiger was acting in a film. so it was a trained tiger. and i was standing next to it, petting it. i was only about 4 or 5. it was a young tiger. it's big in my memory, but pattie says it was a cub. we've been "backstage" at the big cat house, at woodland park zoo, as well. many years ago. when skip stilled worked for them. now he never takes us anywhere interesting. :)

oh. it was an hour and a half, $258, plus another $16 for the sports bra i bought. pk is spazing out, i think she needs 'ttention.

Posted by jodi at 07:38 PM | Comments (1)

this is the mommy breast and this one is the baby breast. and they walk hand in hand, because they are FRIENDS!

bonus points if you know what movie that quote came from. bonuse points aren't really good for anything. you can't trade them in for prizes. they don't get you extra days off with pay, or more stock options, or extra credit. bonus points exist simply to make you feel superior to those around you. and who can put a price on that? you can't. it's priceless.

sorry about the whining. i feel better today. not great, but better. i'm pretty sure that i feel better because shmecky loves me and because fee watched Amelie for me. :) [when describing Amelie to Kam, she said it was me, in a movie, only speaking french. which i consider a huge compliment.] i still have to get two new tires at lunch today, but that is just the way it is. i've learned to accept it in the last 21 hours. i think i've grown from the whole process.

i'm a bad mommy. just ask my kitty. i torture her. on the mornings that i work, during the week, i feed her her breakfast right before i leave. i don't hop out of bed, run to her dish, and feed her. which is how i think that a good mommy would do it. according to pk. [prudence kitty] i do it on my way out, so she doesn't try to run out in the hall with me as i leave. and also, dammit, i'm the alpha kitty!! :) but you should hear the sad sad little mews i get. such pain and torture!!

dr. stevil brought in his external firewire drive with 70GB of mp3's on it, for me to play with today!! isn't that sweet? that made me happy. in case you were wondering, 70gb of mp3s is what is referred to, technically, as a BUTTLOAD of mp3s. the amount of time it must take to just record all the data somewhere, in some fashion that allows you to find what you really have, on that hard drive. it's a beautiful collection. and it's going to take me all day to play with it. maybe more. who knows.

B minus 8 days until the boobie-oscopy. getting a wee bit tweeked about the surgery part. ick. sigh. i'm still excited to get it done. it's just... really really real now. now. 2.5 days of work left this week and only 3 next week. oy. and i'm beginning to wonder if i will get the casita clean enough for pattie's comfort. i need someone to come over while i clean. i get so much more done if someone is over at my house while i clean. they don't have to do anything. just sit there and keep me company and occasionally point out when i am stalling. any volunteers?

Posted by jodi at 10:17 AM | Comments (0)

septembre 03, 2002

complaints: i makes 'em, i don't takes 'em.

congratulations, shmecky, on your new nephew!! and, in my opinion, that most certainly does count as an uberbaby. you are such a great aunt, that is one lucky kid.

not my day today. i'm sick. have a bad headache, but am not allowed anything but tylenol at this point. which does NOTHING. got a flat tire at lunch, and now i am going to have to get two new tires. everyone else has the day off. practicially everyone else. i'm tired. i'm disappointed in myself, as well. i didn't get as much done, this weekend, as i wanted to. and, i still haven't figured out how to make the bbs3k work, even though the domain itself is working. i can't get the script to write the posts to the main wwwboard page. i don't know why. and this morning i sort of decided i was fed up with it all. that is most likely because i am not feeling that great. i'm sure i'll tackle it again later and figure it all out. someday. not today, tho.

i'm whiny today. i should just stop writing now, before this gets outta hand.

Posted by jodi at 03:04 PM | Comments (2)