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février 25, 2004
Think about it, Fink! Writers come and go; we always need Indians!
loon informed me that she has been reading Laurel K. Hamilton's blog/journal. and i said, "what? what? WHAT? where is it? i must read it now!" she didn't reply quickly enough for me, so i googled. i like journals that belong to writers. well, writers of books. i suppose all blog/journals belong to writers. because you are, after all, supposedly, writing in it. anyway, there it is. for fans of jean claude. who, to make it perfectly clear to liloo multisuck [won't bother linking to her blog cuz she never writes in it], is MY boyfriend.
Posted by jodi at 04:38 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack
février 24, 2004
yeah, but talking rabbits rule!
You're Watership Down!
by Richard Adams
Though many think of you as a bit young, even childish, you're
actually incredibly deep and complex. You show people the need to rethink their
assumptions, and confront them on everything from how they think to where they
build their houses. You might be one of the greatest people of all time. You'd
be recognized as such if you weren't always talking about talking rabbits.
Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
that's right, i might be one of the greatest people of all time. go, me!
Posted by jodi at 07:45 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
She's not just a blob of energy, she's also a 14-year-old hormone bomb.
i work in fremont, a neighborhood of seattle. it is considered "an artist's community." and to a certain degree, it still is. but it's been commercialized. and expensive condos have been built. little shops have been replaced with trendy sushi place's, cold stone creamery, and pete's coffee and tea. making it a total of three coffee places in less than a block. four, if you are willing to walk a couple more blocks to cafe ladro. used to be five, but the still life has removed the self service counter and become more of a bistro or something. so i'm not going to count that. thing is, i don't drink coffee very often, so it's all wasted on me.
what is the politically correct term for someone who asks for spare change? specifically one who appears to be homeless. personally, i like bum. but there is a specific reason for that. once, my purse was stolen out of my car. it had nothing of value in it, and was tossed in some bushes at a burger king, half a mile away. i know this because one night, around midnight, the phone rang and some strange man asked for me. it was a homeless man who had found my bag, and figured out who i was, based on various things within it. [this was a long time ago, over ten years at least. so i don't remember all the details] he was explaining to me who he was and how he found it, he had some kind of midwest accent i think, and he was calling from an extremely loud location, on a pay phone.
"you see, i'm a bomb... you know?"
"you're a what?"
"a BOMB!"
"you're a bomb, i'm sorry i don't.."
so periodically, when i hear someone use the word bum, i start yelling I'M A BOMB I'M A BOMB, B-U-M BOMB! which makes me laugh, and makes everyone else look at me funny. as per usual. anyway, i hooked up with him the next day, he gave it back, everything was there, and i gave him all the money i had at the time, which was pretty much nothing.
also, when i was in college, and working at the day care center, there was an after school kid i really liked. she was a pistol! a tomboy with tons of blond curly hair she could not be bothered to tame. one day, i asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up and she said "a bum." and asked her why and she said that it sounded like fun, you didn't have to go to school, and you didn't have to dress up. i mentioned to her you really didn't even need to bathe, which she agreed was another plus. i remarked that her parents must be very proud, and she said they were. that's another reason i like BUM.
anyway, i was asked for spare change today, while walking through the neighborhood, six times. five of those times by the same man, and two of THOSE times, he ask within the next five minutes. i'm the kind of person who cannot NOT acknowledge a request. if the answers yes, i give it to them. if the answer is no, i look them in the eye and shake my head or say no or whatever. i don't just ignore them. that makes me feel bad. it's rude. they are human beings, no better or worse than you. although sometimes their requests interrupt a conversation i am having and then i have to stop whatever i am saying to answer them, which is inconvenient. however, it's usually no. and when they keep asking all day, and i've had to say no several times to the same person, i start to feel crappy. like it's six separate times that i've failed to do something to help my fellow man. because i know my life is pretty cool, despite my financial woes. i know i've got it better than some. but still, six times in which i failed to open my heart to someone in need. or someone who needed booze. after i start to feel crappy, i start to get a little annoyed. and so i came up with a system.
first of all, they need to get together. maybe unionize. the bums/homeless/panhandlers whatever, so they can all agree upon this. i think that when they ask you for spare change, whether the answer is yes or no, they mark your leg with a chalk mark. just like they parking attendants do to your tires in a parking lot. see, they could have long sticks, with chalk on the end, and everything. and there should be a maximum amount of times someone should be asked for spare change, in one day. so, if they see you coming, and you have five tick marks on your leg they can say to themselves "whoops, she's been asked five times today. shouldn't ask for her change, as she might have to say no, and start feeling crappy about herself, leading to eventual annoyance. best to just let walk on by."
it's genius! but i think maybe only four times in a day. that should be enough.
Posted by jodi at 06:10 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
you can take my mac when you pry my cold... dead... fingers from the mouse.
once again, i feel the need to point out ... gw bush is not my president. currently, i have no president. hence my problems with the IRS. [at least that is my story] what bothers me is that kerry, who looks to be our democratic candidate, is opposed as well. pro civil union, but anti same sex marriage. but he believes its a state issue. what is so god damn sacred about marriage, that we are even debating it? what are people so afraid of?
oh dear, was i getting political there for a second? how frightening! sorry if i scared you, mes petits chatons d'Internet. i shouldn't be attempting to think serious thoughts, much less convey them publicly!
yesterday i was all full of myself and happy, because i thwarted an attempt to convince me that i needed to make my pc my main computer at work. [something i was told last thursday]. there was only one required piece of IBM technology that would have made it difficult, as when i was scheduled to use it, i would need to pay attention to it all day. ok, it's a stupid piece of chat software. happy? anyway. i don't have to do it every day, and it's not even our choice of software. but it's pc only. that is... IF you use IBM's version. yesterday, i found a mac os x version. i tested it, it ran fine, i saw all the people i was supposed to see and they saw me and once again, i proved that not only am i super genius, but you really will not take away my mac, i won't let you!! i could not have been more proud had i engineered the software myself. i am planning on emailing the guy who makes it and swearing my undying love for him.
thwarting is fun.
Posted by jodi at 12:15 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
février 22, 2004
pru wants to say hi
she's sitting in front of the monitor, so i can't see. with her tail flicking back and forth over the keyboard, so i can barely type, in a manner that just screams "say hi for me! say hi for me! make a typo you can't see you are stupid feed me now!"
Posted by jodi at 02:17 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
So let me get this straight. You wanna fly on a magic carpet to see the king of the Potato People and plead with him for your freedom, and you're telling me you're all completely sane?
it's a beautiful spring day here. it's not very warm, but it's sunny, with fluffy white clouds, and breezy. it's quite nice. i love spring. spring and fall.
i promised i would tell you what they call potatoes, in scotland, didn't it? tatties. they call them tatties. which borders on naughty, don't you think? baked tatties, mashed tatties, french friend tatties, tatties au gratin, twice baked tatties... tattie soup. louise says she and her brothers, when they were children, had a charming little song they used to sing whenever eating tattie soup. guess what word they used to rhyme with "soup?"
i went to see a show at the fifth avenue with my mom and her fiance. while waiting for the show, i got restless. i had forgotten to bring a book or anything to play with. not even my little electronic dictionary. how was i supposed to fill the several hundred seconds until the show started. so i rolled up the worthless programs they give you and started swatting pattie with it. it was really more of a tap, than a swat. she tried to get me to stop with just the mere sound of her voice, but that never works. so she rolled up her program and turned to me with what was supposed to be a viscous face. which just made me laugh. so she turned away, and then we she had turned back, she had done this thing to her face.. to her mouth, that was nothing short of disturbing. she had taken her lips and tucked them under, so she was lipless. a lipless mouth with lots of teeth. it really is disturbing. go to a mirror, tuck your lips under themselves and take a look yourself. it still made me laugh, but i also yelled "what the hell!" but she couldn't hold it for long, because she started to laugh. i tired to do it, but i had to use my fingers to get my lower lip tucked properly. and then it kept popping out. which made my mom feel superior. but i just told her that meant my lips were more luscious than hers. she showed me the trick of rubbing your finger on your teeth, so they are dry, and then doing the lip tuck. they stay tucked better that way. apparently, they were doing this at her office that day [i do not know why] and she is the only one who can do it without rubbing her teeth dry, or using her fingers to tuck her lips. i told her i was so proud to be her daughter.
Posted by jodi at 02:12 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
février 20, 2004
please to look at comments
for Just 'cause you pour syrup on something doesn't make it pancakes!. look at the comment from someone named vioxx. now if that is not the most clever little piece of spam you've ever seen, i'll be a monkeys uncle. or aunt.
look quickly, because soon i shall destroy it. i don't tolerate no spam.
Posted by jodi at 12:48 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack
Yeah. Wouldn't want to embarrass yourself in front of your fellow perverts.
i just noticed something. down below, the post titled oh those double crossing sexy-sexy sluts [or something like that] i had completely messed up the link to the movie that louise and went to see, the triplets of belleville. the thing is, none of you pointed that out. none of you said, "hey jodi... this makes no sense, WHAT did you go see with louise?" no, you moved on to the next paragraph and then all you wanted to talk about was vibrators and sex toys.
i fixed the link in that post anyway.
Posted by jodi at 12:25 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
février 19, 2004
I don't think it's funny. This place is overcrowded, smelly and poor. That's not funny, that sucks.
my writing group has stood me up! here i sit, in third place books. where are they? i received no email, stating group was cancelled. in fact, yesterday i specifically said i was showing up. that would have been a good time to tell me it was canceled. this is unfortunate because i woke up at 2:45 this morning and never went back to sleep. i'm extremely tired, and i have one of those sleep deprivation type headaches. i would have gladly gone straight home. i wanted to. this place is nowhere near my 'hood. also, what's more, i think that guy over there - no! don't look directly at him! geez. - i think that might be my older brother. if it is, i will be most displeased. also, if it is, he's cut his hair very very short. his back is to me, so i can't say for sure. i saw him when he walked in. but he's not close and vision is not my strongest sense.
so what was i talking about? oh yeah. writers group. i would just like to point out there is a writers group over at the next table. maybe i'll join their group. i know its a writing group, because the first person there put down a bright piece of paper on the table that read "writer's group" and i can tell, they'd be delighted to have me. they don't even seem to know each other well. i'll just go over and say, "hi, i'm jodi.... you know, jodi from the forums. yeah, that jodi. it's nice to meet you." and they will be too polite to turn me away. also, they will be jealous of squishy and will equate squishy with my superior writing skills and they will make me THEIR GOD!!
man, i'm tired. yesterday, i saw the most perfectest beautiful rainbow. it was so bright and the colors were so vivid. and you could see the whole arch of it. not just a portion. it must have been fake. it was too perfect.
one of the lisa's i know, the one who sucks at blogging, directed me to a website called chicklit.com. and i think i am in love!! i've registered on the forums and posted two helpful posts. one about accessing extended characters on a mac. and another about allconsuming.net. i thank lisa for showing me this site, but she still can't blog worth a damn.
today's new scottish slang word is minger - which is pronounced with a hard G. this is a particular favorite of louise's. it means "a physically undesirable, smelly, or ugly person." the verb form to ming means to smell or look unpleasant. i think that minger is more fun because of the hard G. also, it's usually used when describing a person and it's insulting and that's just fun. oddly enough, mingy appears to mean stingy or greedy. i would have thought it would be the adjective form of the word. oh well, silly scots! tomorrow, i'll tell you what they call potatoes!
update: still unsure whether that guy is older brother. i've never seen his hair that short. but... he's done stranger things before. as soon as i am done with my dr. pepper, i'm leavin!
oooo... hang on a tic.. he took his bulky coat off. it's not him. he's to skinny.
why can't children play without shrieking? ok, i am really going now.
Posted by jodi at 07:23 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack
février 18, 2004
oooo... this quiz is even better!
find your inner PIE @ stvlive.com
when come back, bring pie!!
Posted by jodi at 05:58 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack
admit it, y ou are drawn to my peaceful, nuturing nature.
Posted by jodi at 04:49 PM | Comments (10) | TrackBack
gratuitous copy and pasting from someone else's blog.
i read the follow on neal gaiman's websiteand found it quite funny. i shall paste an excerpt here, but you can read the whole thing here
"I'm not terribly religious, in the computer operating system sense of the word. Many people (including my son, a full-fledged Apple person) seemed to be waiting for me to see the light and become a full-fledged Mac convert, and were shocked that once there were Macs in the house I didn't have a Road to Damascus moment. I like them for some things, prefer PCs for other things, and, except for writing screenplays, prefer fountain pens to both of them (and for screenplays I like Final Draft, and I don't mind which platform it's on).
When I tell Mac people this, they smile their secret smile. They know that after we die, we go to a special place, and that those who used Macs will be raised on high, where they can sip their cappucinos and look down and see the virus-infected writhings and screamings of those who used PCs, as the damned Windows users are forever bombarded with boiling projectile vomit from the thousand-foot high screaming thing that used to be Bill Gates.
But I'm sure even the damned people down in the mud will be laughing up whatever's left of their sleeves at those of us who secretly like fountain pens best."
if the journal had comment features, i would have commented that a true mac user would put fans of the fountain pen above those who used windows. because they can appreciate and understand the elegance of a fountain pen. the feel of it, as it writes on the paper. the scritch scritch noise it makes. these things are important to us, as well. we like a spiritual user experience.
except, i probably would not have commented. because i'm shy. tee-hee.
Posted by jodi at 04:10 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Well, to be honest, I thought you were an imbecile. But then I figured out you WERE a swell guy... A little slow, maybe, but a swell guy.
that's a self portrait of me. today. see, i'm yawning and my hair's a mess because i'm FREAKIN' TIRED. and i'm freakin' tired because of that whole waking up at four am for no good reason thing. i tried to go to bed earlier last night. to compensate. 11 pm. but that wasn't good enough. so tonight, i'll go to bed right after angel. 10 o'clock. swear to god. i am apparently getting too old to deal with my crappy sleep habits.
speaking of sleep, i was reading the weekly last week, and it was doing a piece of books about love. a lot of them were about finding love. or landing a mate. or getting someone to marry you using techniques from the harvard school of business and how to find the man of your dreams in six weeks. [it was in the weekly that i read about that whole quirklyalone thing.] my favorite blurb about one of the books recommends, and i think this is the one that gets you prince charming in six weeks, to sleep for 10 hours a night for a week, in order to look younger and healthier than you have in a long, long time. that was the ONLY thing that article mentioned that i was willing to do. apparently, meeting your dream man takes a great deal of effort on your part. and we know how i hate effort.
and, speaking of love and marriage [eww!] , how freakin' cool is the mayor of san francisco? incredibly freakin' cool. you know, i'm not gay, and i don't particular want to get married. but it pisses me off that people in this country are still trying to stop it. that's ludicrous. i don't know what they are protecting. or what they are afraid of, but their protestations are ridiculous, to the point of imbecilic. [how much do i love the adjective form of imbecile? very very much. so much that i think i've reach the pinnacle of happiness, with regards to blogging, and will now conclude this entry.]
Posted by jodi at 10:36 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack
février 16, 2004
do you ever wonder...
if my titles are quotes, or if i am really saying i have a killer rack?
Posted by jodi at 04:30 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack
Those double-crossing, sexy-sexy sluts!
most everyone i know has the day off. not me. very sad. and unfair. but, since our current president inspires so little celebratory joy in me, i guess i don't need to buy home electronics and bed linens and towels at president's day prices in order to honor him. phooey on him. no towels for you!
it's a shame i don't have the day off because it's all stormy outside. very windy and raining. last night, my neighbors storage closet door, which is outside on the porch, was open and it kept banging against the building in the wind. right next to my bedroom. it woke me up at 4am and i never went back to sleep. you know, on the weeknights, i'm lucky if i get five hours of sleep. that cannot be good for me. but, as i was saying, it's stormy outside and raining. it's a perfect day to stay curled up in the Purple Chair and read. because i really don't get the chance to do that very often. [sarcasm]
on saturday, i went to see The Triplets of Belleville with louise. it was excellent. the music was especially enjoyable. i also learned a new scottish slang word. To Sook, meaning To Suck. not sure of the spelling. anyway, louise's cat is named muffy, but they call her sookie because she sucks on things. like socks. also, this term can be used in conjunction with candy, or "sweeties" as we like to say. for instance, a sookie sweetie would be some kind of hard candy. every day is a vocabulary adventure with louise.
after that, we walked all over capital hill, exploring things. louise has a much more compatible shopping style, with me, than evildeb. evildeb is slooooooow. half the time i end up outside the store sitting on a bench waiting for her. if i was holding her purse, i would look like her husband. louise and i are quick. so we covered a lot of ground. we stopped in the legendary toys for babeland. it was very crowded, perhaps owning to the fact it was valentines day? i do not know. toys in babeland is the best sex toy shop ever. first of all, the toys are taken out of the packaging, and placed on kiosks. so you can play with them. and you don't have to look at the packaging. when you chose what you want, they go and get a packaged version. this is great. the lack of packaging alone cuts the sleaze factor down to almost nothing. plus, you get to play with them. test the strength of the active toys.. see how much kick a certain toy has. this is the most fun when you are with someone, and you can both make your observations and comments on the individual toys together. the store has a counter of samples of all the lubes, and all the condoms have one blown up next to the display, to show size and color and whatnot. like little banana balloons. there are no videos or dvd's. their are books, but they are erotica and techniques. no magazines. it's a very classy, and obviously interactive, place. you can get a waterproof rubber ducky vibrator. did you know that? looks just like the regular rubber duckies. feels like them too, it's rubber. but it has a special little switch. dr. stevil didn't understand why a vibrator not shaped in a phallic manner would be worth anything, be any fun. but he's a boy, a gay one at that, so he doesn't understand. oh and they had a swing in the middle of the room. i wish one time, when i was in, they'd have someone trying it out. not TRYING IT OUT as in nekkid and naughty, but just sitting in it, to see how it feels.
after that, comic book stores and greasy american diner food. so it was a good day, all in all.
Posted by jodi at 01:58 PM | Comments (6) | TrackBack
février 13, 2004
Gosh, I don't think that I've ever been stressed out. Why would I be? I've got practically no responsibilities, my job's a breeze and I've got a KILLER rack.
so, i finally found out what i am. i've identified my people. i thought i was the only one. but i'm not. there are other people like me. and we call ourselves... the quirckyalones.
quirkyalone (kwur.kee.uh.lohn) n. adj.
A person who enjoys being single (but is not opposed to being in a relationship) and generally prefers to be alone rather than date for the sake of being in a couple. With unique traits and an optimistic spirit; a sensibility that transcends relationship status. Also adj. Of, relating to, or embodying quirkyalones.
See also: romantic, idealist, independent.
i haven't read the book yet. but i've browsed the website, taken the quiz, and read some stuff in the forum. according to the quiz i am very quirkyalone. nice! i feel so... validated. so vindicated. maybe my mom should read this book, so she'd understand me. although, i think she's just about given up on me getting married. she is NOT a quirkyalone. nope. no. no way. coworker we refer to as The Man says its just a bunch of people making excuses for not getting laid. oh no... quite the opposite. those quirkyalones like the sex. they just don't need to be in a committed relationship to have it. and do not think that having it means a committed relationship. some of them are quite slutty! fun. slutty is fun. wheeeee!
so anyway, yeah. i'm part of a movement. yay me!
so, earlier this month, my blog was SPAMMED big time. one spammer, every day [that had a post] for about... six months worth. i had to go post by post and delete them hand. there was no way i was going to leave their list of links for cheap viagra etc, on my journal. *claps hands and say "no!"* it filled me with such rage and hatred. i think it's justifiable to kill spammers. i think it's ok. and think no court of law would convict us. i would give them the puppy dog green eyes, and speak to them in my widdle voice and they would set us free. the question is, how shall we kill them. thoughts? suggestions?
Posted by jodi at 02:24 PM | Comments (5) | TrackBack
février 10, 2004
You know, I just woke up and I looked in the mirror and thought, "Hey, what's with all the sin."
i missed an opportunity to see mtx last night. because i'm self-centered and had been slacking off in the reading of my favorite blogs. therefore, i did not see the tour information. they were here last night. all of the sudden this morning i said, to myself, "hey... i wonder what dr. frank's up to... these days." [not wanting to end my sentence in preposition.] can you believe that? missed it by a day. you know why? not only am i self-centered, but lately you find that my head is always in a book. always.
speaking of books, i just finished "good omens" and loved it! adored it! delighted in it! i have a feeling that this is a book that i will be pushing off on people constantly. i've made a deal with evildeb to read some book she is enjoying [i don't even remember what it is] to get her to read "good omens." i don't know why i bother. she never likes any book i recommend. i should have learned my lesson when she failed to see the subtle humor and brilliance in isaac adamson's "tokyo suckerpunch." she said she didn't like it and that it wasn't well written. so then i had to hate her.... again. the only book i know for sure that we've both liked, is "wicked."
which reminds me of louise. now, you know louise is scottish. except when she's in new york. she has loaned me some of her audiobooks, to listen to on my commute. she was listing off the titles that she had, and she told me she had this book.. and we had the following conversation.
me: what? "midder midder?" what's "midder midder"?
louise: you know... "MIDDER MIDDER."
me: *scratches head in confusion*
louise: [with sarcasm i might add] oh PARDON ME, i meant MIURRR MIURRRRRR.
i've never had trouble understanding louise before. maybe it's because there was no context for the word "mirror." maybe she's totally unintelligible and i've never noticed? is that true, louise? louise... say "aluminum." .... go on, say it!
Posted by jodi at 01:51 PM | Comments (4)
février 09, 2004
oh jodi... how evil could she possibly be. i mean really.
evildeb's response to the news that i feel dizzy, lightheaded and shaky.
"Hmmm...you appear to be displaying a weakness. that makes me want to attack your soft underbelly."
with friends like that, who needs man eating tigers?
Posted by jodi at 03:25 PM | Comments (0)
Do you ever get dizzy livin' up on that moral high ground of yours?
i'm soooo dizzy. some adjustments in my meds. don't get excited. it's blood pressure medication. i'm still plenty screwed up emotionally. anyway, i'm light headed, dizzy and shaky! it's a great way to spend a monday afternoon. at work. as good as any way to spend a monday afternoon, at work, i suppose.
both evildeb and fee have ordered trial samples of The Soap.. it did not surprise me that evildeb would do this, because she likes purchasing things online, and shopping, and beauty products. but it surprised me that fee would do it. because, if she likes it, it's very very expensive. in my mind. and fee doesn't do expensive beauty products. she says that it's ok, tho... because she has soap magic. i guess soap magic is the ability to make a bar of soap last forever. i think she's been using the same clinique facial cleanser bar since junior high? maybe? that's cool, i suppose, but if i got to pick my magic, i'm not sure soap magic would be the one i'd pick.... i'd pick telekinesis.
i'm looking forward to their reviews of The Soap.
Posted by jodi at 02:47 PM | Comments (8)
février 06, 2004
You fuckers think just because a guy reads comics he can't start some shit?
Dan Wheeler's Happy Freaking Ray of Goddamn Sunshine... funny comics!
Posted by jodi at 11:33 AM | Comments (0)
février 05, 2004
my fifty word fiction submission
“i don’t understand,” she said, demons pouring out of the drainpipe at her feet. “this was supposed to close the portal.”
behind her, a cautious demon approached. “if i may... it’s RIGHTY tighty, lefty is.. well, loosey.”
“ahhhh!” she said, nodding. understanding hit the second before he ate her head.
Posted by jodi at 07:54 PM | Comments (1)
You can't make an omelet.....without killing a few people.
i'm the happiest little 12" powerbook carrying girl in the whole wide world right now. tonight is writing group. we are meeting here at the infamous third place books. which is fun, because there is a food court with a fab bakery. but the bestest most delightful delicious thing ever about meeting here... free wi-fi connection!! i'm so in love with squishy and her airport extreme card right now.
i'm reading a book by neil gaiman called "neverwhere." and i'm enjoying it thoroughly! i was not surprised that i enjoyed it, but i was surprised i am enjoying it as much as i am. it's funnier than i was expecting. i have some of the first sandman volumes on hold at the library, having been inspired to do so by a conversation i had with louise. the wait was longer than i wanted, so i also put this novel on hold. and it's delightful! on the back of the book, it list's the author's website, neilgaimon.com so i checked that out as well. he has a journal/blog and you know what? i liked that too! *clapping hands with glee* so now, even though i've only read part of one book, and a blog, i'm giving a big thumbs up to neil gaiman. i've decided to become a big fan. hooray!
i think i should probably go write some stories now. as this not a journal/blog writing group, per se.
Posted by jodi at 07:24 PM | Comments (2)
février 03, 2004
cary grant's my favorite.
Which Cary Grant Character Are You?
Posted by jodi at 06:37 PM | Comments (0)
No, I'm a positive person. You're like Santa Claus... on prozac... in Disney Land... getting laid.
for reasons far beyond my understanding, i have to switch from my bank [which is actually a credit union] to a bank bank, before i file bankruptcy, or i will have problems. it's actually not all that far beyond my understanding. lets just say they work differently, and it would behoove me to do so. i so opened a new checking account. and i got to order new checks. how exciting! after deliberation... do i go plain and cheap, do i go fun, do i go with cute baby animals? i chose fun, but an understated fun. i chose these checks. they are childlike and fun, but monochrome and subtle. right? i think so. but this is what i received. i can't go around writing checks with these!! i'm extremely lazy, and do something about these checks, i will have to return to the branch from which i ordered them. that takes effort on my part. but ... even tho i don't write that many checks... they are a statement about me. the design i chose says something. and that design says "i am nine years old." i'm sorry... i can't write checks with these checks. i have to take them back. they are way too over the top for me. i have to draw the line somewhere, and that's where i am drawing it.
Posted by jodi at 01:42 PM | Comments (6)