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December 26, 2008

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

I hope all your yuletides are gay.

I might start playing WoW again.


Posted by jodi at 12:38 AM

March 27, 2008

Photobooth fails to recognize external iSight camera after installing Leopard.

I rarely complain when something goes wrong with my mac. Maybe because it's rare for something to go wrong. Or maybe it's because I can figure it rather quickly, so there is no time for a rant. But ever since installing Leopard, I have not been able to use my external iSight camera in Photobooth. It would not recognize it. Just gave me a black background with a "Camera Off"message. Since I can use it for iChat and for the webcam, I knew this was not the case.

Sometimes I could make it work by restarting my mac. About 50% of the time. However, if I closed the application, it would not work when I re-launched. It was frustrating and it's been going on for months. Could not figure it out.

In researching an application that would allow me to color correct from within aps that use the iSight, I discovered iGlasses. It is only $9.95 and actually does other things I wanted, like rotate the image, for one. So I bought it, installed it and BLAMMO, now Photobooth works every time.

Go figure. I don't know why, and you shouldn't have to buy something to make it work. However, I'm just putting it up here so if anyone else is doing a search on the same problem, they might come across this and see how I fixed it. It was supremely annoying. I even wrote a complete and proper issue statement for my blog title. Hee!

Photo 51

Posted by jodi at 8:09 PM

October 1, 2007

Autumn 2007

Posted by jodi at 9:39 PM

April 15, 2007

Spring and Summer2007

In which we, sadly, saw the end of the Harry Potter series, releases from several favorite authors, and I am more than a little disappointed in the amount of books I read, considering I am unemployed and delinquent housewife.

Posted by jodi at 8:56 AM

April 6, 2006

Spring 2006

In which, Louise failed to make an impact at one book signing, but regained her title at a third; I attended my first book signing that was accompanied by an acoustic set and cupcakes; and any season in which I get to read two new books by Tanya Huff is a good one.

Posted by jodi at 4:07 PM

January 1, 2006

Winter 2005-2006

During which I proved I would read just about anything, if I am sick enough, found another crime series to enjoy with yet another female medical examiner, and read one of the more delightful books I've read in a while. All in all, not the most exciting of literary seasons for me.

Posted by jodi at 11:06 PM

June 25, 2005

Summer/Autumn 2005

During which time I read new additions to some of my favorite series. But did not spend as much time As I usually do reading, sadly. It happens.

Posted by jodi at 6:04 PM

March 20, 2005

Spring 2005

Spring, in which I thought I read more than that, finally read some David Sedaris [don't know what took me so long], launched Satan's bookclub, read about depression, racism, and young love, and added another book to the list of "books I love and will recommend to everyone." On to summer!

Posted by jodi at 2:04 AM

January 28, 2005

Winter 2004-2005

During which time I made everyone believe I was going to learn to knit, failed to discover if the creator of one of my favorite literary boyfriends was as helpless against scottish accents as other male writers had been, lost valuable reading hours to a newly formed addiction to Law and Order: SVU and Oz: Seasons 1-4 on dvd, read not one but two books on high school shootings, which promptly led to reading a bunch of old, previously read, favorites to get over subsequent depression. Thank god winter is over!!

Posted by jodi at 11:54 PM

December 10, 2004

Audio Books 2005

Posted by jodi at 6:11 AM

September 23, 2004

Autumn 2004

During which time I met my new boyfriend, Elvis Cole, reunited with another boyfriend, Jean Claude, went to not one, not two, but four author signings, and discovered that your puny worm god weapons are useless against my superior christmas kung fu. [but I think I knew that all along.]

Posted by jodi at 10:25 AM

June 21, 2004

summer 2004

During which Hell froze over for a second time when I started reading a series of cat mysteries, I discovered I had a long lost, jewish, identical twin bother, I considered that maybe French-Canadians aren't all that bad, Sue Grafton finally released R, and I further explored the fantasy genre.

Posted by jodi at 10:06 AM

April 15, 2004

spring 2004

During which time I've discover that Jesus was cooler than the Christians will ever know had my book signed by the author, read possibly the most gruesome cannibal serial killer buddy book, and discovered one of your better crime story authors.

All that and more in Spring 2004!!

Posted by jodi at 4:23 PM

November 30, 2003

november 03 thru april 15th 04

During which time I've found my people, got my hands on as much Tanya Huff as possible, supported independent publishing, and became a big fan of Neil Gaiman. Obviously.

Posted by jodi at 8:31 AM