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A word about capitalization and punctuation

I hate those mommies who use their children as an excuse for why they never have time for anything. They suck. Really, i mean, kids aren't that much work. You feed 'em, you let them roll around on the floor, preferrably not in their own filth, (that one's really a judgement call, you gotta do what you feel is right) and you get them to sleep . So when I hear stay at home mom's say "I just don't have the time for that, I'm so busy with my kid," I think, what is wrong with you, loser? I mean, I can have a baby, work part time, plan and execute the most perfect, beautiful, pink wedding, all while schlepping around an infant, so what are you complaining about? But, hey, everyone can't be as perfect as I am, right?

That said, i just don't have the time to properly capitalize and punctuate. Or spell check, for that matter. I mean, I've got a kid, remember?!?! So you grammar nazis out there (and you know who you are), read at your own risk.


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