For a clownfish, he's really not that funny
So, about this blog thing.... like, what am I supposed to say, anyway? I know, today, we'll start my very own book club! This week's book recommendation is The Vice Guide to Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll. It contains many touching stories, but there's one in particular I think deserves to be shared this evening. It's a heartwarming tale of a girl named Aliza, and her 'friend' Luther. Luther is a dildo. Luther gets stuck up her ass. It's priceless. Seriously, check it out. I can't really relate to it on a personal level, having never had a dildo stuck up my ass, but i can imagine it's sort of... not good.
PS- if you're my mom reading this - um... sorry. I promise to talk about less obscene things as time goes on. it's just, well, i'm still getting the hang of this blog thing.
don't censor your art, kirsten. if you want to talk about self butt love, you go right ahead and do it.
Posted by: Jodi
December 7, 2005 10:13 AM
I love you Jodi. Maybe not as much as i love stories about dildos stuck in asses, but still, I love you a lot. :P Thanks for the encouragement.
Posted by: Kirsten | December 7, 2005 10:48 AM