Sooo behind on blogging
sorry so quiet. stupid husband's place of work is evil. Latest evidence as such? his boss told him yesterday that his office looks too comfortable and organized. it doesn't look like anyone actually works in it. So he has to take out his nice indirect lighting, take down all his pictures of our beautiful boy, and sit in a nasty shithole all day. we're not bitter. not. bitter. at. all. Sooooo, now we're both looking for jobs, and whoever finds one first, the other will stay home with our little boy.
Oh, and they gave him that promotion, but they want him to work 20 more hours per week, for only $10k more per year. which, if you do the math, equates to a $4 per hour paycut. BASTARDS.
I'll try to write more later. When i'm not busy looking for jobs. Yuck. Or, working on christmas projects. Which might be slightly more fun.
it looks like you called him your stupid husband.
Posted by: Jodi
December 21, 2005 11:22 AM