
Come share in the joy of our groove thang.

Doe-02 from the album Pod by The Breeders
I had no idea what that “iTunes” button did on Ecto, the software I use to write my blog updates, but apparently it tells you exactly what song I am listening to right now! That’s fascinating! BRILLIANT!! You have to know that I am going to be hitting that button a lot from now on. That is need to know information. I love technology.
Oh, good news abounds everywhere! First, it has been brought to my attention that the Moons have come to their senses and are moving back to me!! They are moving back to Capital Hill! I’m so excited. Maybe I will see them more than once a year now. The drive down to Tacoma just wasn’t as much fun as it was in our “youth.” So I didn’t see them much. Oh, and apparently they are bringing the baby with them! Nice! Can you blame them? She’s very talented, I’ve seen pictures and it appears she can stick her big toe in her mouth! And only 6 mos old! I’m sorry to say that she seems to have some pretty messy table manners with the solid food. Anyway, it’s nice they’ve come to their senses and are moving back. My inability to make it down to Tacoma was all a plot to get them to come to me. And it worked!!
Delicious Demon from the album Life’s Too Good by The SugarCubes
Additionally, fabulous friend, and fellow Denver Bronco fan, Kam is considering coming up to Seattle for the Seahawk vs. Broncos pre-season game in August. Wheeeeoooo! During which we’d don the orange and blue, and probably get into fights with smelly, drunken ‘hawk fans. But I’m not scared because Kammie has all that KUNG-FU knowledge. And I have a lot of unresolved anger. So I think we can take anyone who gives us grief. After we beat up drunken, mullet wearing dudes from Auburn, we’ll go out for sweet potato fries
I Sing The Body Electric from the album Are A Drag by Me First And The Gimme Gimmes.
I’m not getting much done today… productivity has been reduced due to the fact I have moved my dock from the bottom of my screen to the right side. It;s got me all discombobulated. It’s messed with my groove.
Sesame Street from the album Television’s Greatest Hits 70’s & 80’s by Stone, Hart And Raposo
Yeah…. I keep getting distracted from the post, and coming back when a new song comes on to hit the iTunes button. So I should just go post it. ok… one more song, only cuz I’m using the new Party Shuffle feature.
Bad Businessman from the album Hot by Squirrel Nut Zippers
