
I know. I’ve been really naughty, haven’t I? Perhaps a good spanking’s in order?

I told Evildeb that I would be performing a lot of penance for buying an iPod. A girl in my financial situation should not be buying luxury items. [even if they are an necessity like an iPod] I said many “whippings” shall occur.
Evildeb: oh really? who’s going to be doing the whipping?
Me: uh… it’ll be self-flagellation.
Evildeb: well… go easy on yourself.
Me: I always do!
Evildeb: YOU SEE!! that’s the trouble with you. you are too easy on yourself. We could bring in a third party.
Me: You know… I was talking about figurative whippings. [an example of what I was thinking of would be, say.. i don’t get to go blond again, as I was planning.]
Evildeb: mutter mutter mutter dominatrix mutter mutter .. here you go, [pointing to the website on her screen] a whole directory listing the local domanatrixes. I’m not going to open it here, tho. [indicating the workplace]
She’s so supportive. Other friends might come up with half hearted attempts to explain to me why it was necessary for me to have an iPod. Not Evildeb. Only two things concerned her, the fact that she doesn’t yet have one, and finding someone to spank me. Pretty much everything in the world is seen as something she has or does not have. Nothing drives her more crazy than people having what she doesn’t have. I think she was probably in favor of having me whipped, because I dared to have something she does not have. In her eyes, I deserve a good spanking.


3 thoughts on “I know. I’ve been really naughty, haven’t I? Perhaps a good spanking’s in order?

  1. Dude, I’ll totally come over and whack you one. Then you can hit me right back when I light up a post-whacking cigarette. It’s a win win situation for us both. Because then we can go and have sweet potato fries.

  2. jodi says:

    lighting up what? oh, you really are going to get a spanking.
    you know, there is nothing i like better than sweet potato fries, after a good spanking. some say “tater tots” but for my money, you can’t beat the sweet potato.

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