
Right! If that’s the way you want it – Cardinal! Poke her with the soft cushions!

I’ve entered a patch of deep ennui. It sucks. I’m bored with everything. And I’m not someone who usually gets bored. There’s always something to do or read. Or nap through. But this last week, everything has bored me. It’s not the boredom of depression. It’s a completely uninspired, apathetic boredom. A real ho-hum boredom. I hate it. It’s a waste of time. It’s a waste of a perfectly good brain that should be full of ideas. It would be ok, except it really bothers me at work. When I can’t make myself do anything I need to do. Because it’s so dreadfully dull.
It would seem to be a week of extreme moods. For me, it’s ennui. For Evildeb, it’s anger. She’s not here today. She took the day off due to extreme anger. She is very very upset with the WB for canceling Angel. Coming to work provokes the anger, which usually manifests in a need to poke someone’s eye out. Or fight with Dr. Stevil. Or me. I guess she’s fine at home. I suspect that this rage has it’s roots in something other than the WB’s fall line up. Possibly, maybe?
Now Fee, she is sad. And that makes me sad. I don’t like it when she is sad. She’s one of my favorite people of all time. I’m going to have to come up with a way to cheer her up. In the meantime, maybe some kittiepie would help.


2 thoughts on “Right! If that’s the way you want it – Cardinal! Poke her with the soft cushions!

  1. for me, my mood this week has been bitchy. i keep snapping at people at work. they deserved it, of course, because they’re annoying. but then, they usually are, and i’ve been able to refrain myself before. until this week that is.
    i should have been looking at cutie kittie pie. that would have helped. 🙂

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