
road trippin’ with coworkers

You know, I’ve just been in this bad mood lately. I’m going through one of those phases at work… the kind where you hate your job. For no good reason. I’m burned out. I’m not the type of girl who does well with boredom. I’m getting significantly less done in a day than I have gotten done during my busiest times. This is not one of my busiest times. So then I feel like a bad employee. Which makes me feel worse about the job, which means I get even less done. It’s a twisted mess of self pity and apathy. Even i am disgusted with myself.
Tomorrow, I am going on a field trip, down to Portland to visit the baby techs. It’s a lotta driving for one day. Seven hours. And I am doing it. But you should see Lola!! I cleaned her out and took her to Rosehill Car Wash. The “Nordstrom’s” of car washes. She looks and smells good! Sparkly. Dr. Stevil and EvilDeb will be warned …. no messing her up. No leaving of your stinky empty latte cups!!
And then I am taking next week off. Because I need to snap out of the bad attitude. I have plenty of PTO stored up, so why not. At least I won’t feel crappy for one week. Wheeee! I’ll get back into the swing of things, and hopefully that includes writing.


2 thoughts on “road trippin’ with coworkers

  1. arifa says:

    oooh – a week off!!! good for you. i am also in one of those “i hate my jobs” moods where i’m just burned out. i suspect the PMS has a lot to do with it. that and the fact that i work too much.

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