
I am a train-wreck.

Last night, i was hauling some stuff out of the back seat of my car, my arms were full and I used my left elbow to slam the car door shut. Only I did not back and away from the car before I did this, so I bruised some very tender places on my left side. This morning, I was reaching under my desk for my blue sneaker, and I whacked my head on the corner of the desk. Got a bump on my head. When I got to work, I took my leftover PIF Chang’s to central services to put in the fridge. Only I put it in the microwave and walked away. I figured that out before I got back to my desk. What I didn’t notice, until recently was that I leaked mongolian beef sauce all down my left pant leg. I smell like chinese food. And then, just now, walking with my sneaker untied, I tripped and whacked my hand into the corner of the window sill. Right on the top of the hand, you know… so it hurts more than it really should.
And really today, and last night, are not all that different from any other day.
For those of you who expressed interest in becoming a minion in Satan’s bookclub, Satan is well pleased with you… look for more information to come. Louise and I did some brainstorming at dinner last night. i’ll probably be working on it on my sabbatical. [which in fifteen days! Hooray!] I’ll be back later to discuss the Susanna Clarke reading and signing.
