
old pictures and new babies

My cousin Brian, and his wife Melissa, just had their second baby boy two days ago. I was searching some of the scans I’ve made, for fun pictures to send in my congratulations email, and of course had more fun with pictures of ME than anyone else in the family.
Exhibit A of the Cuteness I Used to Posess:
Check out those flowered pants. Even pouting I was cute. My brother had to wear a shirt with his name printed in on it, in case he forgot it. True story.
Ok, I’m lying about Brad forgetting his own name. I actually think my mom was the one who had trouble with our names.
One final picture, my first, and only, ballet recital. I was enrolled in ballet at the suggestion of our family doctor. Who thought that maybe, with some work, I might be able to learn to walk through a doorway without smacking into the frame. Sadly, no amount of ballet, or tumbling, helped.


and i need a prehensile tail

Above title is one of your better search strings that lead someone to my blog. Who doesn’t need a prehensile tail?
In the “when it rains it pours” category, my uncle passed away this morning. This is my stepdad’s brother. He was diagnosed with skin cancer a couple of months ago. And it had spread to his lymph nodes. He was put on interferon a few weeks ago, but it was killing him, and they took him off. About two weeks ago. The chances of it prolonging his life span were slim. They thought it would be better for him to have the next couple of years feeling somewhat healthy. Rather than going through that hell. But he never recovered. So I am going into work tomorrow morning for a 9 am meeting and then leaving from there to be with my family, down Shelton. Which is south Washington.
The movers have been postponed until Oct. 29th.
