
I should be, procrastination is one of my favorite hobbies… Isn’t it funny that my two favorite hobbies rhyme?*

Where have I been, anyway? I guess I needed a bit of a break from the computer, during the first week of my sabbatical. I did a lot of reading, as well. But now I am doing some serious packing. Which probably means I’ll be around a bit more… as blogs are an excellent source of procrastination. Like.. right now for instance.
So far, sabbatical has been good. I had to work last sunday for about 7 hours, to finish some stuff up, but other than that, I’ve totally forgotten where I work. Tuesday was my birthday, and EvilDeb took half the day off and we went to the spa. The whole thing was a surprise, other than the fact I knew we were going to do something. We had facials and lunch and massages and manicures and pedicures. And she paid for the whole thing. I don’t even want to know how much that cost. I think I have an idea, but I am trying to bury that knowledge way down, so I am not overcome with guilt. Instead, let us focus on how fabulous my nails look. They were all about one length and pretty long to begin with, so it was a good time for a manicure. I picked a bright, in your face, fuck off red… this is a vamp red… a vegas weekend red. With just a hint of blue, so as not to be too orange. The color is O.P.I The Thrill of Brazil and it’s a cream polish, with a high shine top coat. I cannot tell you how bitchin’ my nails look. I keep pointing things out to strangers, and tapping my chin in thought. I bought the nail polish so I could do touch ups. Anyway, my birthday rocked because I spent it being pampered and I really really enjoy being pampered.
Ok, I need to go get some more boxes. In intrigued to find out how many boxes it takes to pack up all my books. I’m guessing 10. That’s my estimate. We’ll see.
*since the title today comes from an indie film, I thought I’d show support by posting the link to the official site. Burning Annie. Whoo-hooo! Support indie films!!
