
Friday 8:50 am

How come it took me hours to pack all that stuff, to get as far as I did, and it takes them minutes to move it down to the truck. Unfair.
I’m going to have a lot left over to do myself. Never did unhook this computer. 🙂
And so ends our moving updates.


Friday 5:46 am

I just got back from the house… i wanted to take some stuff over that i didn’t want to bother packing. And some more fragile stuff, like my antique cameras. I’m going to take Pru over now, and then I am going to haul ass the clean up and make way for them to move whatever they can.
And I still have to disable that “home entertainment” mess.
My god… I’m talking to myself.


Friday 3:00 am

5 Years from the album Homogenic by Björk
Does one tip movers? Where are you people when I need you?
I’ve never used movers before. After trying to find answers online, I’m a little frightened. Sounds like they like to scam you.
Anyways, welcome to the 3 o’clock hour. Fun!
Fumbling Towards Ecstasy from the album Mirrorball by Sarah McLachlan


Friday 1:39 am

I am a little disappointed that I will not be walking out of this place tomorrow, never to return. The way I planned to. Ha! Should have known better. I’m just trying to get the majority of stuff packed up now. All the books, CD’s and DVD’s. Because they are heavy. And the furniture will go. But I am going to have a lot of hauling and dumping to do tomorrow. Or saturday. Whenever. I think I shall plan an exciting trip to the King County Solid Waste Transfer Station on Monday. Oooooo.
I wonder, if I had a pet monkey instead of a cat, would it be more of a help at this time? Pru just insists on getting in the middle of whatever I am doing. If I am packing the contents of the video drawer, she crawls up in the drawer. She’s lucky she’s not taped up in a box.
