
Happy 500th post!!

This time I mean. It really is the 500th post. Yay!
Ok, now that that is over with…
Washington State School District Says Halloween Disrespectful of Witches. Of course it’s Puyallup.. OF COURSE!! That’s just brilliant. You know what I say? Fuck the witches if they can’t take a joke. Even the parents are sad. The little kids don’t get to dress up or have a party. Not even one of those lame PC Harvest Parties. God that school district sucks. What is this world coming to?
Oh, and you know what else? Christmas is disrespectful to jolly fat men and Little People. What do you say to that, Puyallup?


4 thoughts on “Happy 500th post!!

  1. that’s just bizarre. the witches i know are (1) used to the majority celebrating halloween in a different way than they do samhain and (2) heck, they celebrate it as well as their own samhain. it must have been a group of fundamentalist wiccans who swayed the vote… or something.

  2. jodi says:

    You know what, I don’t think the Wiccans had anything to do with it. It was third on a list of reason they, the school district, were not going to celebrate halloween. They said they could not risk offending a religious group.

  3. i honestly did not believe it had anything to do with the wiccans, but one never knows. and i wonder excatly which religious group they didn’t want to offend? some religious groups are VERY anti-halloween because they feel it is satanic. i wonder if this means that all halloween books should be listed on satan’s bookclub. hahaha.

  4. jodi says:

    excellent point, river selkie… satan is well pleased with you. halloween will be the official holiday of satan’s bookclub.
    it’s not the wiccans. it’s puyallup, home of the washington state fair. i think the whole wiccan thing was a politically correct excuse. if anything, it’s probably the christian right. yes, that’s it. it’s those pesky followers of jesus, who think halloween is satanic. i do not understand what the real agenda is, the real reason why they’ve banned it. i don’t think we are supposed to know.

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